Words that Start with the Letter F

Yesterday J-Man hurt himself at school. He came home with a band-aid that he promptly took off and threw away. That kid hates band-aids. His sister loves band-aids and she goes through a box a week.

Sissy: I need a band-aid

Me: Where

Sissy: Right there

Me: I don’t see anything

Sissy: Well it hurts. I need a band-aid.

I asked him what happened and he showed me his hand. It was obvious he somehow got stabbed with a pencil.

Me: What happened?

J-Man: I don’t know. I got stabbed by my pencil. It was the sharpest one in my box. All my other pencils are broken.

Me: What did the teacher say.

J-Man: Nothing

Me: Did you wash your hand off before you got the band-aid?

J-Man: Ya. The nurse did it.

Me: Okay, you went to the nurse. What did she say?

J-Man: I don’t know. All I remember is she said a lot of words that start with the letter “F”.

Here are a couple of scenarios that have been running through my head.

Nurse: WTF! You kids are always freakin’ bothering me!

J-Man: I hurt my hand

Nurse: What the freak do you want me to do about it? Get you a freakin’ band-aid? I hate this freakin’ job!

or maybe it went something like this

J-Man: I hurt my hand

Nurse: Oh fiddle faddle! That must hurt. I have some funny band-aids for you.

J-Man: Okay

Nurse: Fortunately you came down here. This is my favorite job.

Which scenario do you think is closer to what she really said?