Obligatory Giving Thanks Post
Of course I’m thankful for my kids, family, blah, blah, blah, etc. But I decided that I would post a list of more mundane things I’m thankful for. Things that on the surface don’t seem that important, but really make a difference in my life.
1. I’m thankful that the dog hasn’t crapped on the floor since My Craptastic Day.
2. I’m thankful that my kids are finally feeling better and will be going to school next week. More “Me” time!
3. I’m thankful that I haven’t gone out in public wearing my shirt inside out and backwards like I saw some crazy lady doing the other day. At least I don’t think I have….
4. I’m thankful for my children’s bedtime every single night!
5. I’m thankful for the Alan Jackson song “It’s 5 O’Clock Somewhere” which justifies so much.
6. I’m thankful that gas prices have gone down so now I can keep on filling up my huge SUV.
7. I’m thankful that our 19 year old is doing an internship at Disney World. Can you say road trip?
8. I’m thankful that we didn’t have anyone over for Thanksgiving because our stove is broken and waiting for parts, which are due next week.
9. I’m thankful for the funny things J-Man says, like “This book has so many hilarious virgins.” Let me know if you need a translation.
and last but not least
10. I’m thankful for the comments you all leave, except for that creepy guy who keeps trying to leave comments about “Amatuer Videos”. Him, I’m not so thankful for.