In Da Club (more like Redneck Club)

If you don’t already know, that title is actually a song.  I’m using it as my title because Saturday night I went out to a “club” or “bar” with my friend Wendy.  The thing is, it definitely is NOT the type of club you see on say a music video, unless maybe you are watching redneck t.v. or something.  Let’s just say we had dollar drinks, danced the night away, and laughed at all the train wrecks that were there.  Here is a list of some of what we saw that night:
1. Feathered Hair-oh yea!  Feathered hair, like 80’s big feathered hair
2. Guy on the dance floor wearing a Polaris Snowmobile Jacket, sweatpants, and work boots-I can only guess that those were his “good clothes“.
3. White guy with his shirt unbuttoned too much, dancing like he thought he could, adjusting his Black Velcro Sneakers-again it must of been his “dress shoes“.
4. Security Guard who was 5’5-he was wearing a shirt that said SECURITY, but I could of taken him!
5. A girl wearing a SCRUNCHIE-need I say more?
6. Too many girls that had no common sense when they got dressed and left the house-I’m sorry, but you need to have a least one girlfriend that will tell you how BAD you look in that outfit! 
7. Too many drunk people who thought they could dance-it makes for good people watching!
8. A Cross-Dresser-we think she had an Adam’s Apple
9. Tons of creepy guys who thought they were cool by buying women drinksHELLO they were a dollar!  Wow, big spender can buy a dollar drink, I am sooo totally impressed.
10.  People under the age of 35 who were missing teeth
11. NASCAR hats
12. NASCAR jackets

And last buy definitely NOT least, the bathroom…which I was told had been re-modeled, you be the judge:













Okay, so here’s the “re-modeled” bathroom.  First off, it was all Plywood (I guess that’s the Natural Wood Smell), notice the OPEN OUTLET, I mean c’mon what dumb city agency approved that one?  Do you like the nails sticking out of the top of the stall?  WUWT?  I mean seriously, my 8 year old can do a better job hitting a nail!  And lastly the number on the wall…all I have to say is I’m sure there’s some pretty drunk people trying to call it, and not knowing why it won’t work!  The doors didn’t have locks on them either, there was toilet paper stuffed into the opening so no one could look in.  Not what I would of gone with if you’re remodeling, but hey who am I to judge?