Mental Defective Monday

From now on we are declaring Mondays Mental Defective Monday here at BMB. This is where you’ll find our most recent weird, strange, scary, sometimes disgusting and downright nasty keyword searches. With a blog called Blue Monkey Butt you get a lot, and I mean a lot, of crazy searches.

1.  Children Monkey Homework

Was this an assignment about the monkey twins? Mary Kate and Ashley? When they were little they so looked like monkey’s, c’mon, admit, you thought so too.

2.  Crezy Mankey Butt Pictures

OMG! Like I’ve been looking for crezy mankey butt pictures like forever!

3.  Fascination With Butts 

Yea, what is up with the fascination?  Although without it we’d have a lot less crazy searches! 

4.  Monkey’s Butt Picture

What did he lose it?  Did you want a picture of some or just the Monkey’s picture?

5.  Hot Butt.Com

Why thank you!

6.  Eat Moon Sand

No, I don’t want to, and you can’t make me!

 7.  Dog Eat Candle

Dog need vet.  Dog be sick!  Bad Dog!  Damn Dog!

8.  Words That Start With The Letter Now

How many words actually start with the Letter Now?

9.  I Love My Butt.Com

Cocky aren’t you?

10.  Freeks of Porn Butts

Why yes you are!

11. See My Butt.Com

Really?  We don’t want to!

12. Monkey Butt Soap

A new kind of clean!

13. Crazy Redneck Girls Gone Wild

Hey who you calling crazy????  Don’t you mean crezy?

and…..drum roll please….

14. Show Me How To Use My Chubby G

I’m sorry, but if you NEED to google this… have a much bigger problem! 

Until Next Monday – Elle & Stacy