Aloha Friday

Friday is the day that Hawaiians take it easy and get ready for the weekend. So in that spirit we’re asking a simple question. Head on over to An Island Life for more Aloha Friday fun and to sign Mr. Linky if you’re playing.

This week we’re asking who is a high maintenance chick or a low maintenance chick.

Are you the type that gets their nails done, hair highlighted, designer clothes and perfect make-up?


Are you the type that throws your hair up in a pony-tail, wears jeans & sneakers and hardly any make-up?


Okay, I’m definitely the low maintenance chick. I’m in my “yoga” pants as often as possible. I only wear make-up because I’m so pale I don’t want to be mistaken for the walking dead. I used to get my nails done at a salon and I loved how they looked, but I just can’t justify spending that much money on fingernails. I love my jeans and am always in sneakers or flip-flops in the summer.


As much as I loooove my “yoga” pants, I have to admit that I am a high maintenance chick.  I have to do my hair, make up, and dress up for work.  But I have noticed that it has spewed over to the weekends, and on days that I don’t work.  Like tonight, I took a shower, and when I got out, I did my hair.  No, I wasn’t going anywhere.  I won’t pay money to have my nails done, but they look like I’ve had them done.  I tend to do fancy designs on them.  So, even on the weekends, I don’t leave the house until my hair is done, and my make up is on!