Random Tuesday Thoughts ~ Dog Court
If it’s Tuesday, this must be Random Tuesday Thoughts. It’s brought to you by Keely at The Un-Mom. She really knows how to rock Tuesdays so go and check her out and tell her the Blue Monkey Butt sisters sent you.
Since there is nothing on t.v. right now I found myself watching an episode of “18 Kids and Counting”. I’ve never seen the show before, but I’m thinking that they are probably breaking a lot of child labor laws! The episode I watched was about them helping another family build a house. They had every child (minus the newborn) working on the house. Now I don’t mean kinda working, I mean laying tile, doing construction, etc. They also kept saying how great the kids do construction because they’ve been doing it for years. Way to keep it under wraps!
Today I went to the beach and it was really nice. But when I was leaving I noticed a group of ladies at the edge of the beach. They were all extremely tan, in their bathing suits playing cards. The women were all probably in their 70’s, although with the years of tanning they could of been in their 50’s. Of course the thought that went into my mind when I walked by was, “this is the best advertisement for NOT going to the beach every day of your life, or else you will look like them!”
I really wish I had gotten that Glamour magazine BEFORE I had plucked my eyebrows….apparently thick eyebrows are now in. Crap!
Tomorrow I go back to work for 2 days a week until the kids go back to school. Of course for the past few weeks I’ve done nothing but clean the house and be a little bored. Last night I woke up and was sooooo sick! It was ridiculous! It was bad enough to make me start praying, and I’m not a religious person, but last night I was promising everything to make it all go away. Good thing I was so delirious I don’t remember any of it.
Hey Stacy, speaking of thick eyebrows being in, I heard the uni-brow is back. You should really for that look next time. I’d love to see you with a uni-brow.
I’m typing this waiting for J-Man to be sound asleep. He has a bloody baby toe from a broken toenail. It needs some trimming so it stops getting caught on things, but when he’s awake, he won’t let anyone near it. It doesn’t matter that in my former life I was an EMT, my kids won’t let me touch them when they hurt themselves. It sort of ticks me off, because I’m always super careful and gentle. As far as I’m concerned they have it easy. When we were little we were terrified of splinters. Not so much the splinter part but the splinter removal process. It was brutal. It always seemed like it was our Dad’s job to remove the splinter and I would be crying even before he started. Afterwards he would cover the gaping wound with this orange medicine called mercurochrome. That would hurt almost as much as the damn splinter removal. He’d put that evil concoction on every cut and scrape and we’d be walking around with these big orange splotches. That stuff didn’t wash off, it had to wear off. To this day I swear if you look real hard you can still see some of those faint orange splotches.
One thing I can cross off my to do list is renew the dog licenses. It’s not that hard, but somehow it’s always something that gets put off. One year I put it off and put it off until I forgot about it. The problem was, the town didn’t forget about it. For some reason they have my husband listed as the owner of the dogs. Which I find funny because he barely tolerates them. Summer was over and fall came and still I forgot about the dog licenses. In October a letter from the town arrived and it was a summons to the town court because the dogs weren’t licensed. Of course, it was addressed to my husband since he’s the dog owner and all. That was a really fun time explaining that to him. “Gee honey, I need you to go to court because I didn’t license the dogs and they have you listed as the owner.” I had to work so he went by himself. He had to sit there with the other people who had been arrested for DWI, drugs, assault & battery and all other sort of nasty things, only one other person was there for not licensing her dog. You know he still hasn’t reached the point where he can look back at that incident and laugh about it.