Amazing Cat Throws Up Poop

If it’s Tuesday, this must be Random Tuesday Thoughts.  It’s brought to you by Keely at The Un-Mom. She really knows how to rock Tuesdays so go and check her out and tell her the Blue Monkey Butt sisters sent you.


Did you know that you can now buy a mascara with a vibrating wand?  Is there a big market for this?  Can you not move the mascara wand yourself?  And isn’t it a little unsafe to be putting something that is moving near your eyeball…’ll poke your eye out!

Today my boys had their physicals.  And we also got the “video games will rot your brain”advice pretty much.  I like our son’s doctor, but when she is going through the questions, it’s like she’s interrogating them…”What do you eat for breakfast?  How long do you watch t.v. a day?  Do you eat together as a family every night?”  Last year “T” answered these questions by saying that all he did was lay on the couch and eat potato chips!  I think he was trying to drive me insane!  The kid doesn’t even eat potato chips!!  He told me before the appointment today that he wouldn’t be answering the same as he did before.  Thank god I beat  talked some sense into him last year!!

Today in the grocery store our youngest “B” declared that he wanted to be home schooled.  What?  Are you kidding me?  There is NO freakin’ way that’s happening! 

The other day “B” got up and yelled, “the cat pooped on the floor”,I looked and saw that the cat had thrown up a fur-ball.  I told “B” that the cat had puked not pooped and he said, “the cat puked up poop”.  Yes we have a very talented cat, he can puke up poop.  Jealous aren’t you?


Yesterday I spent 8 hours in the ER and I noticed a few things. There’s always a crazy person. The waiting area was pretty packed but quiet until the obligatory crazy person was brought in. That livened things up a bit. Once I was brought back to a room, there was already somebody in the other bed. I got settled then I realized the we were watching Telemundo. It was some soap opera and it seemed the main character wore skimpy clothes and always had on a thin head band across her forehead like some 80’s reject. There was a fire and the dog saved the baby so that was all good.

The cute male nurse brought in a tray with all kinds of needles and scary crap. I asked him if he was good at IV’s. He thought for a moment and said “I’m better than Stevie Wonder.” Great, makes me feel soooooo much better. I learned that if you don’t ask for pain meds in the ER they just give them to you. I was having abdominal pain, but wasn’t complaining or asking for anything, next thing I know they’re attaching a little bag with morphine in it to my IV. The lady next to me was asking for pain meds as soon as the doctor came in the room. She said “Hold on, I haven’t examined you yet. You may not even need them.” I’m betting she didn’t get anything but Tylenol.

They wanted to give me a cat scan so they brought in this ginormous jug of pink contrast liquid they wanted me to drink. It’s even bigger than the kegs of soda you can buy at 7-Eleven. They told me I had one hour to drink all of it. So I forced myself to drink that whole freakin’ bottle of nasty. When the guy came to take me to the scan he looked at the empty bottle and said “Wow, you did great! Nobody ever finishes that bottle.”  “Crap! You mean I could’ve gotten away with not finishing it!”

So after all the IV’s, blood tests, cat scans and other fun things I won’t mention, they decided it wasn’t my appendix like they thought, but that I had an ovarian cyst that burst.  We got out just in time to make it to the pharmacy before they closed. Which made me one of those annoying last minute customers that need their prescriptions for controlled substances filled right away. Luckily, they usually like me there and my pharmacy friends were able to help me out 🙂