Spongebob, You're so outta here!

If it’s Tuesday, this must be Random Tuesday Thoughts. It’s brought to you by Keelyat The Un-Mom. She really knows how to rock Tuesdays so go and check her out and tell her the Blue Monkey Butt sisters sent you.


I don’t know if Stacy has any random thoughts this week. Facebook chat isn’t working so I haven’t talked to her. I know, I could pick up the phone and call her, but that would require a little effort on my part. Not going to happen. 

I’m really ticked at Facebook right now. The chat feature isn’t working and then I tried to upload a video and that didn’t work.  Cal me Perry the Platypus and Facebook is my nemesis, Dr. Doofenschmirtz.

Speaking of kid’s shows we are now an official Spongebob Squarepants free household. I’ve had to put up with that grimy little yellow sponge for years. Finally, our youngest has gotten through the Spongebob phase and allowed me to erase all of the saved episodes on our DVR.

I have a part-time job and when the kids are in school I work days. Yesterday was going to be my first day shift. Great! Except J-Man came down with a cold and stayed home from school. I’m pretty sure that he did the same thing last year. It was also school picture day. At least we won’t be getting a school picture showing his sore red nose. Maybe when they do retakes he won’t be sick. Maybe.

Really, what were those people in Washington state thinking, taking a criminally insane guy on a field trip? Not just plain insane, no, criminally insane. Hello! Are they insane? He even escaped once before. Why does he even need a field trip? He’s a crazy murderer people! Keep him locked up. Duh!

I got J-Man on the bus, just barely. He walked around here like a little old man. I asked him if it hurt anywhere and he pointed to the corner of his eye. “It hurts here when I blink or close my eyes.” Sorry, not good enough kiddo. I’m hoping he manages to make it through the day with him barely even able to walk and in severe pain whenever he blinks. Poor kid having such a mean mother.

Just a quick little not to Mother Nature. Okay, it’s the first official day of fall and it’s super humid out. What’s up with that? Also, I’d really like you to try to avoid skanking around with Old Man Winter and Jack Frost this year. Just keep hanging with the boys of summer until next spring. Thanks!

Apparently Stacy has no random thoughts for this week. I was going to be a nice sister and put in a few for her but I have to get ready for work. You know, just in case J-Man doesn’t come home sick because of the horrible pain in his eye and the whole walking like an old man thing.