Aloha Friday-Facebook Break Up
Friday is the day that Hawaiians take it easy and get ready for the weekend. So in that spirit we’re asking a simple question. Head on over to An Island Life for more Aloha Friday fun and to sign Mr. Linky if you’re playing.
Well, I’m sure you didn’t notice, but our site was down last night….so we couldn’t write anything, or do anything…stupid doodoo head, excuse my french. There has also been issues with Facebook lately, a lot of issues, so here’s the question…….
If you use Facebook, what is something or anything with it, that bugs the hell out of you?
I must admit, I do like Facebook, I’m a nosy person by nature, so being able to know what people are doing, appeals to me, even if it’s mundane, I want to know. I also like to chat with Elle, hell we could pick up the phone and have a conversation, but that’s too hard. It’s much easier to play Scrabble, Bejeweled, watch t.v., and chat with her all at the same time. Recently FB chat has not been working, it either says, “Sending….”, or it shows everything in doubles, or it won’t even pull up the screen! Come on FB, get with the program, I don’t want to break up with you, but I might just have to. Are the people running it dumbasses? excuse my french You’d think with the amount of people who use it, they could get it right! Oh and by the way, no offense, but I don’t want to join your Mafia, run a farm, plant a garden, join a sorority, clean the ocean, have a pet, or any other lame-ass virtual game! excuse my french
One thing that bothers me about Facebook is the friend requests. I have no idea why, but for a while I was getting friend requests from skanky women. Let’s see, your interest is menand you don’t seem to be wearing many clothes. I’m sure you’re a nice person, but no, I’m not friending you. Another thing that drives me crazy are all those quizzes or the lame questions that want to know everything about you. No, not doing it. If you want to know something about me, just ask. Here’s my Facebook confession. Our mom is on Facebook and I haven’t friended her.
If your Mom is on Facebook have you friended her?
Am I just a terrible daughter?