It's Mental Defective Monday Again!
Once again the strangest, creepiest, funniest keyword searches that bring people to Blue Monkey Butt
1. big butt on squirrels I don’t know what kind of squirrels you have at your house, but ours don’t have big butts. If your squirrels have big butts you might want to consider moving away from the nuclear power plant.
2. butt monkels What the hell are butt monkels?
3. hit the monkey’s butt I wouldn’t do that if I were you…that could be dangerous!
4. “butt jewelry” Really? You want to accessorize your butt?
5. monkey colored butt Exactly what color is monkey colored? I don’t think you’ll find that color in your box of Crayola crayons.
6. blue monkey religion Is that similar to Scientology?
7. monkey throwing crap game I don’t recall Hasbro or Parker Bros making that game! If the name is any clue to how you play it, well then I don’t think many Mom’s will buy that game!
8. if blue monkeys have tails we wouldn’t exist Really? So what are you smoking that made you come to that conclusion?
9. who did invent sand Hmmmm….God?
Last, but not least, a collection of several searches that show people have some unpleasant issues with their pets.
10. cats puke poop, cat throws up after poop, cat butt poke out after poop, what does it mean when your cat is throwing up poop and my dog has not pooped abdominal pain