Random Tuesday Thoughts~Cross Dressing at Walmart
If it’s Tuesday, this must be, Random Tuesday Thoughts. It’s brought to you by Keelyat The Un-Mom. She really knows how to rock Tuesdays so go and check her out and tell her the Blue Monkey Butt sisters sent you!
Did you know that if you misspell the 99 Restaurant, you will end up on a website for overactive bladder? Yep, true story.
My kids love ICarly, and I don’t mind it too much, but I always wonder where their parents are! I mean, who would give custody to Spencer, who is obviously a moron. Plus, how do they pay rent? It’s not like Spencer has a job! Just wondering….
Eating cookie dough is much better than actually baking it!
Showering at the gym is wonderful, I can take an hour long shower and no one will be yelling, “Mom, Mom, Mom, Mommy, Mom, Mom, MOOOOOOOOMMMMMM!” Plus, I won’t run out of hot water!
The cross dressing guy was at Walmart the other day. My 9 year old still hasn’t recovered. He asked me, “No offense, but why does that ugly girl talk like a boy and is all hairy?” It would be better if he actually shaved his legs and face, if you’re going to wear a dress and dress like a woman, put a little freaking effort into it!!
News crews look for the person in the crowd that is the biggest moron. They look like they haven’t showered, they’re missing teeth, probably sporting a neck tattoo, and they need subtitles when they speak……and they’re speaking English!
That’s another thing, if you’re speaking english and you need subtitles so people can understand you….well maybe you should of stayed in school…just sayin’
They’re baaaa-ack. Yes they are. Those damn ducks are back. Every spring they send out a scouting party to see if our pool is still off limits. I have no idea why they have the hots for our pool. Our neighbor’s pool is much closer to a pond since it hasn’t been opened or cleaned in at least 3 years, but nooooo, they want our pool. It still has the cover on for pete’s sake! Saturday night we were out roasting marshmallows when the 2 spy ducks flew overhead and landed in our pool. If it had been a little darker they would’ve gotten away with it too. Sissy ran over and scared them away. I figured we were safe. Then Sunday night, again under the cloak of darkness, they came back. This time there were 5 ducks in the pool. C’mon, 5??!! Sissy and J-Man were set to run out and scare them away until J-Man noticed it was raining. He decided that scaring them from inside would be better. With him yelling from the patio door and Sissy running to the pool screaming, they managed to scare all 5 of them away. If you’re thinking we’re safe, think again. My husband saw one lone duck in the pool this morning when he got up. It was gone when the kids got up, but I’m sure it’ll be back. Game on ducks, game on!
My husband wants to be the red knobby guy for halloween. No, I’m not going as the sock monkey. Anyone know where I can get a one-eyed, red, knobby guy costume?
Don’t forget to join us for What The Hell Wednesday tomorrow.