Random Tuesday Thoughts
If it’s Tuesday this must be, Random Tuesday Thoughts. It’s brought to you by Keelyat The Un-Mom. She really knows how to rock Tuesdays so go and check her out and tell her the Blue Monkey Butt Sisters sent you!
So today there is officially 12 days until Christmas, and I officially have ZERO presents. Yep you read correctly, ZERO presents. Every year I tell myself that I’m not going to wait until the last minute, and every year that’s when I do my shopping. I think the only thing I hate more than shopping at the last minute is the person who says, “Oh, I’m all done with my Christmas Shopping” at Thanksgiving!!
I bet if you looked in your freezer right now you would find Freeze Pops! Everyone seems to have freeze pops somewhere in the back of their freezer!
I know it’s probably an 80 ish style, but I am loving the long sweaters with leggings. I guess as long as I don’t wear a pair of leg warmers with them I’ll be okay. But there is nothing more comfortable than leggings!! Well, other than “yoga pants”, but I can’t get away with wearing those to work!
I really hate how my kids change their Christmas list at the last minute. I mean really, it’s not like Santa can just up and change his list on what you wanted! He has a gazillion kids to worry about, there is no last minute list changing allowed!
I don’t like shopping at Bath & Body works. Don’t get me wrong, I love their stuff, I just hate their sales people! I went in there the other day and immediately some guy comes up to me and says, “how ya doing today? are you doing some shopping? who are you doing shopping for?” Okay, seriously? Is it any of your business who I’m shopping for? I really wanted to say something sarcastic like, “Oh, you know I’m not doing well today at all! I’ve had wicked gas all day long! And I’m trying to find a present for my friend’s neighbor’s cousin’s husband’s gay lover. Got anything for that?”
I’m trying to get my random crappy post done and I can’t because Stacy keeps chatting with me on facebook.
I can always count on my sister to remind me I have a dent in my head. She said she bedazzled a helmet for me because I’m “coordinately challenged”. And to think I wanted a horse instead of a sister.
Calling it a winter wonderland doesn’t make all the snow any better. Once Christmas is over Frosty and all his friends can melt for all I care.
Does anyone really care if Oprah is or isn’t gay? Didn’t think so.
According to my husband I’ve been over-watering the Christmas tree so he has taken over that job. I’m just heartbroken that I don’t have to crawl under there, get tree sap on my hands and hair just to add some water.
Don’t forget to join us for What The Hell Wednesday tomorrow.