What The Hell Wednesday

Wednesdays are great for Wordless and Wordful posts, but we decided to go a different route and create our own Wednesday fun. We figured what the hell. That’s how we started What The Hell Wednesday. Who are we kidding? That’s pretty much how we decide on almost everything. If you want to play along, grab our button on the the hell?sidebar, link up to us in your post and don’t forget to sign in to McLinky below. Really, what the hell?


I know, I know, everyone is talking about the weather.  And all I have to say is What The Hell Mother Nature????  Seriously What the Hell??

So today we had a snow storm, our pre-storm of the century snowstorm.  The roads were completely covered with snow, and I see some dumbass riding a bike.  Now, it wasn’t a fancy bike, and this guy was wearing work boots and a sweatshirt.  What the Hell?  Is getting your beer that important?  Obviously you lost your license and that’s why you’re riding a ten speed bike in 8 inches of snow!  Maybe you should quit drinking, it’s not really working for you!

Speaking of idiots in the snow, why is there always that one guy that is wearing shorts in the middle of a snowstorm??  What The Hell?  Do you not know it’s winter?   Are you immune to frost bite or something?  Hello it’s February, put on some damn pants!

A couple weekends ago I went out with a friend of mine.  As we were driving we stopped at a red light and we both looked over at a woman bending over into her car.  At the same time we both said, “EWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!”  What The Hell????  She was wearing white high heels, black tights and a skirt that was too short because we could see EVERYTHING!!  Of course my friend and I at the same time said, “who wears white shoes with black tights???”  Never mind that her backside was hanging out for all to see, she was making a fashion DON’T!!

If you haven’t seen it, here is the latest snow totals for up here in the Northeast








We actually have a snow day today.  We get lake effect snow all the time so it takes a lot for the schools to call a snow day. The kids are so excited that putting the agenda in the freezer, wearing their pajamas backwards and putting ice cubes in the toilet actually worked. Of course it has nothing to do with the weather. What the Hell??

I’m currently hiding in the bedroom, sending my kids into the kitchen like good little minions to get my morning caffeine fix, Diet Pepsi. I’m hiding from the puppy. Everyone can go in the kitchen without a problem, except me. As soon as he even hears me he starts barking and crying to get out of his crate. Apparently he sees me as the only one in the family able to take care of him. What the Hell?? How did I become the puppy’s mother? On the bright side, I can use it as an excuse to get the kids to wait on me.

My ankle is still killing me. I’m not sure why those bone fragments didn’t show up sooner. My husband has a theory that my ankle is just disintegrating and the doctor will just need to amputate my foot above the ankle and then I will get a peg leg and an eye patch, start talking like a pirate and be called Peg. What the Hell?? Thanks honey!