What The Hell Wednesday

Wednesdays are great for Wordless and Wordful posts, but we decided to go a different route and create our own Wednesday fun. We figured what the hell. That’s how we started What The Hell Wednesday. Who are we kidding? That’s pretty much how we decide on almost everything. If you want to play along, grab our button on the the hell?sidebar, link up to us in your post and don’t forget to sign in to McLinky below. Really, what the hell?


Today it was freezing, and me being supah smart decided to wear a skirt to work.  That worked out so well considering when I got to the end of my road my stupid gas light came on.  Great, now I have to pump gas in a skirt in the freezing cold.  Really good planning on my part this morning.  I pull up to the gas pump and of course there is a sign that says that the credit card reader isn’t working and you have to go in.  What The Hell?  I go in and pay for the gas and when I’m going out the door, some guy pushes passed me coming in.  What The Hell??  Are you in so much of a hurry you forgot your manners??  Of course me being me, I say, “EXCUSE me“, and walk out.  Apparently that woke his rude ass up and he came right out the door, apologized and ended up pumping my gas while I sat in my car nice and warm.  If he was really nice he would of paid for my $3.07 a gallon gas….just sayin’

The other day I got into a debate with someone about Charlie Sheen.  Yep, Charlie Sheen.  She said how she felt so bad for him.  What The Hell?  How can you feel bad for a drug addicted, prostitute paying, man whore?  Seriously.  He’s been married to two different beautiful women, and he still can’t stop paying for prostitutes!  Sorry that is one person I do not feel bad for!

 My friend sent me the following picture from her car stereo today, she’s a big WTHW fan, can’t you tell?










We are heading back to New York today and I can’t believe how fast the time went. It seems like we just got here yesterday and now we’re leaving. What the Hell?? I could be wrong, but I think back in New York the time went slower. Although, I haven’t heard from them much so that could be a bad sign. Maybe they aren’t missing me that much. Hmmmm…….

Okay, so a big What the Hell to the guy from China with a knife blade impedded in his skull for 4 years!! Really? 4 years? He said he had headaches and a funny taste in his mouth. C’mon guy, you don’t notice a 4 inch knife blade in your skull??? FOR 4 YEARS???!!!!

That’s all I’ve got since I’ve got to get on the road. Ugh! I really don’t look forward to 3 days of driving again. Blech!