What The Hell Wednesday

Wednesdays are great for Wordless and Wordful posts, but we decided to go a different route and create our own Wednesday fun. We figured what the hell. That’s how we started What The Hell Wednesday. Who are we kidding? That’s pretty much how we decide on almost everything. If you want to play along, grab our button on the sidebar, link up to us in your post and don’t forget to sign in to the linky below. Really, what the hell?


Tuesday I started a brand new job. I went there all happy and excited. It was turning out to be such a great day. Then around 10:30 I was in a meeting and I could feel my phone vibrating. Everyone knew it was my first day of work so no one would be calling. It went on and on and as I sat there I knew it wasn’t going to be good news. When I finally got back to my desk I saw 6 new text messages and 3 voicemails. Oh crap! The first one was from my daughter “The school nurse called. You might want to call her back.” Oh crappity crap! Then a couple from my husband “The school nurse called. I have to go pick up J-Man. He has lice” Oh crap in a crap-basket!!! Then the ever popular “Help!” I texted my husband back and he said he took the rest of the afternoon off and was taking  care of it. I rushed home at lunch and found my husband and son in the bathroom using the little comb, looking for nits. Can I just say ewwwwwwwww?!!!! I’ve been scratching my head ever since that text. Even my arms and legs itch. Ewwwwwwww! I saw everything was under control and I went back to work. I did get a “How was your lunch?” from a co-worker. I said “Interesting.” I got home later and J-Man was playing video games. My husband had made dinner and it was ready as soon as I got in the door. For a few minutes I was able to relax before the marathon combing began. Then it was laundry, changing bedding, changing clothes, running the vac and I still feel like bugs are crawling all over me. So Karma? What The Hell??? First day of work and you throw lice at me? We have avoided lice for 27 years and I was hoping we would never get them. Seriously, this was the first time I’ve ever wished we had a monkey. I could’ve let him do all the nit-picking. Throwing poo around doesn’t seem like such a bad habit right now. At least when you compare it to lice.


I don’t think there is a What The Hell that could even compare to Elle’s!  She definitely has the worst WTHW!! 

Sunday my Brother had a cookout at his house.  The previous owners had made a path in the woods and built a tree house.  My boys love to go out there and play.  Of course it’s in the woods and it’s a treehouse!  Even though I’ve been there quite a few times I have never walked out there.  I finally did this weekend.  After the walk I was sitting eating and I noticed my right knee was a little itchy.  I didn’t think anything of it really.  Well, I didn’t until that night when it was super itchy!!  I looked and I had these red, itchy, raised bumps!  What The Hell???  I have poison-something!!!  I’ve never had poison-anything!  I’ve never been allergic to any of them!  Apparently I’m not that allergic because it’s only on my right knee and it’s not too bad, but still!

Yesterday I was one of those stupid people that sat in the sun and got really sunburned.  Of course today at work I got all the lame comments/questions.  “Did you lay out in the sun yesterday?”, “Get sunburned?”, “did you not put on sunblock?” “I bet that hurts” “Oh you look like you got some color.”  What The Hell?  I KNOW all this, I really wanted to start saying, “Here’s your sign!”  Towards the end of the day when someone would say, “you must of been outside yesterday.”  I replied with, “Nope, I was inside all day long, but my meth lab blew up and I got these awful chemical burns”.   Luckily everyone knows my sense of humor.