What The Hell Wednesday

Wednesdays are great for Wordless and Wordful posts, but we decided to go a different route and create our own Wednesday fun. We figured what the hell. That’s how we started What The Hell Wednesday. Who are we kidding? That’s pretty much how we decide on almost everything. If you want to play along, grab our button on the sidebar, link up to us in your post and don’t forget to sign in to the linky below. Really, what the hell?


Working full-time makes it so hard to get any housework done. I didn’t sit down to blog until 11pm! What The Hell???!! I hate when housework gets in the way of blogging! Oh wait… I just hate housework.

A few days ago I was reading our local weekly paper and read the police reports. One of them went something like this. “Police arrested 29 year old John Doe for possession of drug paraphenalia. A pipe fell out of his pocket while he was curled up on the ground crying.” What The Hell??!! How is he ever going to live that down??? Bad enough to be arrested, but curled up on the ground crying?? Did they really need to add that little factoid? He’s going to be seriously picked on. Inmates can be so cruel.

Here is the final result of my attempt to groom Perry the puppy AKA Mr. Barky McBarkypants.










What the Hell?? I didn’t actually do that bad.



Well I have Elle beat, it’s now 12:30 am on Wednesday and I’m just starting my What the Hells…..really What the Hell? Every night I say I’m going to bed earlier and nope, it just never happens!

Also, it’s Elle fault that I’m up so late, see earlier she posted a picture of some fudge she made. What the Hell? That’s just not fair, of course I couldn’t get the thought of home made fudge out of my head so I just made some. I’m currently licking the pot clean. Nice snack this late at night!

Today Thing 2 had his broken finger x-rayed to see if it had healed. It’s getting there, and luckily he doesn’t have to keep it wrapped anymore, but the doctor did say that he needed to still take it easy for the next 10 days so that it can heal a little more. What the Hell? Take it easy still? This kids hasn’t taken it easy at all since he broke it! He’s determined to be the dodgeball champion at camp…….guess how he broke it in the first place? Dodgeball!!!


Jokes on you Stacy! I didn’t make the fudge, DD did. So I get all the enjoyment of eating it without all the work.