Mental Defective Monday
It seems we haven’t done a MDM post since March 2010. What the hell??!! Not sure how that happened since we have plenty of crazy keyword searches every week. Here are the most recent crazy, creepy searches.
1. butt sisters do Hawaii: We are totally up for a trip to Hawaii. Just say when.
2. can you have a wolverine for a pet?: Hell no!
3. BIG diamond necklace: I’m hoping my husband did this search because our anniversary is Saturday!
4. dog butt carpet: I’m thinking dog butt carpet probably won’t be a big seller. How will they advertise that? ” The carpet that won’t show stains no matter what your dog does!”
5. how can kitty litter be used by terrorists?: We could tell you then we’d have to kill you.
6. Canadian swingers: versus what? American swingers? Because they are so different, eh?
7. monkeybutt swimwear: Definitely not a good look for you…..or anyone.
8. why do hotdogs make me sick?: I don’t know. Maybe you should ask your doctor instead of Googling it.
9. women with big butt monkey: I’m confused. Do the women have a big butt or does the monkey have a big butt?
10. housecat bobcat mix, pet bobcat, & bobcat pets: Seriously, what is up with the wild, eat your face off, animals for pets? No!