Divorce, Banana Clips & German Legends.
If it’s Tuesday this must be Random Tuesday Thoughts. It used to be brought to you by Keely at The Un-Mom but she’s taking a hiatus. Okay, it’s been a really long hiatus but Random Tuesdays still rock on with help from Stacy.
I’ve noticed that when some people learn that you’re getting divorced they start avoiding you like you have cooties. I don’t know if it’s that they don’t believe in divorce, or they just don’t want any part of it. I find this frustrating. And then there are the one’s who don’t tell you anything about what’s going on in their life because they don’t want to bother you or compete with who has it worst? Or they will complain a little but then put in a snide remark that they shouldn’t complain because you’re life is way worse. Guess what, it’s not. And if you have a close friend or family member going through something like this, try being there for them. You don’t need to solve their problems, what they probably need is someone to get a coffee with and chat. Just sayin’
I’ve noticed other people whisper the word divorce when you say it to them, like it’s a secret or a dirty word that you’re not allowed to say. Yeah those people are even more annoying than the first bunch that I talked about.
There always has been and always will be a stigma with divorce it seems. I don’t know if it’s only a woman thing or if guys have it happen too. The paperwork that comes along with it, even though it comes with instructions, is totally confusing. And the amount of forms you may or may not need to have, also super confusing.
Now to totally shift gears here, my hair is a mess. It’s just reaching my shoulders right now and it just won’t do anything but look messy or go in a ponytail. My head actually hurts from having it in a ponytail. My hair is too damn heavy with a ponytail. I need a banana clip. Remember those? Maybe they still sell them way up in Maine. They must, those people are about 20 years behind up there.
I’m single-momming it this week because my husband is on a business trip to Germany. Apparently, it’s a tough gig. I keep getting text messages and see his Facebook status updates of the places he’s visiting, the meals he’s eating and the beers he has been drinking. His favorite place is the Hofbrau House in Munich. His next stop is Freiburg. He said that one of the waitresses at the Hofbrau House told him about an old Freiburg legend. There is a river that flows through the town and if a man puts his foot in the river then he is destined to marry a girl from Freiburg. I related the story to the kids and their response?
How old was that waitress?
He better not be stepping in any rivers!
Since he’s been gone our dinners have consisted of pizza and easy things I can throw in the toaster oven. Maybe tonight I will make a better attempt at a real meal. Maybe. I’ll definitely think about it.
Last week in my Random post I mentioned how J-Man is a little engineer in training and how he is very precise on how things are packed. Here is a picture of the box he keeps his older video games in. He is just like his father!
I just found out I have some wine coming my way courtesy of Stacy, the very same Random Cool chick who is doing a terrific job of waving the Random flag for us all. Even better, she made it herself! I can’t wait to try it. Told you she was cool!
Don’t forget to join us for What The Hell Wednesday tomorrow!