Muddy Clothes, Bad Driving & GCB, We Must be Random
If it’s Tuesday this must be Random Tuesday Thoughts. It used to be brought to you by Keely at The Un-Mom but she’s taking a hiatus. Okay, it’s been a really long hiatus but Random Tuesdays still rock on with help from Stacy.
Yesterday afternoon I got a call from the school nurse. She started out with “Everything is fine, but J-Man fell down during recess and got covered in mud.” If you know J-Man, you would know that he never ever gets dirty. He doesn’t even like to see someone get dirty. So, no, he wasn’t fine. Then to make matters worse she said “I had him clean himself up and we had some clothes here he could wear”. OMG! Not borrowed clothes!!! Even Sissy said “It keeps getting worse and worse! You better make him a milkshake as soon as he comes home. He’s gonna need it.” I had the unhappiest little boy when he got off the school bus yesterday afternoon. He couldn’t wait to get inside and change into his own clothes. I took his bag of muddy clothes and scrubbed them all. Even his sneakers were caked in mud. This child hates mud and being dirty so much he can’t even watch someone else get dirty without turning his head away. I hope today is a lot less traumatic for him.
I watched GCB the other day, and I must say it’s pretty silly, but
funny. And the snobby”B”s, are very similar to any mean girl in high
school, oh wait I think I have some of those on my Facebook friends
I realized again the other night that when you play Guitar Hero &
then you look away & things are still moving, you have been playing
too long.
I also realized that when my boys start driving they will probably
yell at every driver like I do. Every morning at drop off I have a
tendency to yell at people, not swear, but I have been known to yell a
couple, “go go goooooooo, turn, just goooooooooo.” Drivers Ed should be
interesting in a few years.