What the Hell Wednesday
Tonight in the car Thing 2 blurted out his own WTH, so I had to share. He said, “You know when you’re having a dream where a monster is chasing you and everyone can run but you can’t run at all? What the Hell is up with that?” I would have to agree with that.
I had to go buy Thing 2 new soccer cleats today. What the Hell? I just bought him shoes in April! His feet need to stop growing!
I went to Dick’s Sporting Goods to buy his cleats. He saw a Nike backpack that he liked. It was a tad small but I thought okay he needs a backpack for school. So I looked at the price tag……$65.00!! What the Hell?? $65.00 for a small backpack just because it has a Nike symbol on it?? Yeah I don’t think so! We’ll be shopping around for a cheaper backpack!
Just a little FYI. If you are looking for Dick’s Sporting Goods online, do not ever leave off the “sporting goods” in the address and just type in dicks dot com. It won’t be pretty and I guarantee you’ll be saying more than What the Hell??!!
Because both boys were on the computer last night, Stacy had to email her WTHs to me from her phone. But seriously, 4 times?? What the Hell??!! Did she think I wouldn’t get the first 3 emails?
I attempted to write all my WTHs last night but by the time I was done with everything it was 11pm. I sat down, opened my computer and fell asleep. What the Hell??!!
Anyone have any idea why my stupid autocorrect on my phone constantly changes the word me to ms?? Like we use ms all the time?? What the Hell autocorrect??!! It totally annoys me every time.