Rocking the Random Tuesday
If it’s Tuesday this must be Random Tuesday Thoughts. Stop by, say hi and see what the Queen of Randomness, Stacy, is up to.
I’m really sick of this winter. And I’m sick of our spring that is, well, more winter than spring! Sunday was suppose to be beautiful and instead it was windy, cold and sleeting! I’m really hoping we don’t go from winter right into summer!
I think our puppy is part, horse and kangaroo. She gallops around like a horse and bounces like a kangaroo! She’s so goofy looking! She even hops down the stairs! And then she’ll trip over her feet like a newborn horse. I’m beginning to wonder if she’ll grow out of it, or if she’s just “special.”
It’s April and our house is filled with the sounds of coughing, sneezing, and nose-blowing. Thing 1 is suffering from his allergies and Thing 2 just came down with a fever and a cold. Hopefully they’re better before vacation this month!
Speaking of the puppy, doesn’t she look so comfortable sprawled out on our bed?? She must think if she’s cute enough we won’t make her sleep in her crate…..
Last week we were watching Modern Family on our DVR and my husband recognized one of the characters from a sitcom.
Him: Hey, that’s that girl.
Me: What girl?
Him: You know, she was on some show in the 80’s. What’s her name.
Me: I don’t know who you are talking about.
Him: Rewind it…..See, that girl getting off the elevator. She was in Full House or something like that.
I did recognize her. It was Justine Bateman and she was definitely not in Full House. I grabbed my phone, went to You Tube and found the theme song to Family Ties. After I played it, he still didn’t know what show. So I handed him my phone for him to see.
Him: See, I told her. It’s that girl and she’s in this show with What’s His Name!
Me: Oh, him, old What’s His Name. You mean Michael J. Fox?
Him: Yes! I knew she was somebody!
That’s generally how our TV watching goes.
I don’t know about you, but I totally wish it was okay to slap people upside of the head like Gibbs does in NCIS. You know you wish it was okay too.
Don’t forget to join us for What the Hell Wednesday tomorrow!