Christmas Randomness
The perfect tree has been chosen and is all decorated and ready for Christmas. The rest of the Christmas decorations are still in boxes and bins in our family room. My goal was to get all the decorating done Sunday and Monday. Ya, not so much. Now my goal is to have it all done and everything cleaned up by Friday.
I do love the tree and all the lights. J-Man loves Christmas decorating and he spent the entire afternoon with me putting on the ornaments. Sissy hung up hers then disappeared into her room as teenagers do. J-Man was worried about his sister DD not being home to hang up her ornaments and he wouldn’t go to bed until she was home and all her ornaments were on the tree.
So now we have entered the “Have you checked the tree?” “Is the tree drinking water?” “Have you watered the tree today?” season. Not sure how it’s become my job to check and water the tree while it seems it’s my husband’s job to be the one asking the questions.
Before the Thanksgiving break J-Man had a book report due on R.L. Stine, the author. He had to make what the teacher called a cereal box biography. He had to pick a name for the cereal that matched the tone of the person they had chosen. I sent out a tweet regarding the report and R.L. Stine was kind enough to answer.
J-Man got an 84 on his cereal project. Not too shabby.
If it’s Tuesday this must be Random Tuesday Thoughts. Stop by, say hi, and see what the Queen of Randomness, Stacy, is up to.