So You Wanna Be A Cop?

So You Wanna Be A Cop?

Hey it’s me Stacy, remember from like a year or two ago? I used to blog a lot with Elle and then I dropped off the face of the earth after I got divorced and started going to school. As with all of us, my life is too busy, and blogging has not been top priority. Luckily Elle doesn’t rub it in, or guilt trip me too much that I’ve been M.I.A. Here’s the thing that’s also a problem with why I haven’t been blogging……..I’m happy. I know weird right? But I am, and my sarcasm, rants and all around Eyeore-like moods have vanished. Well, the sarcasm hasn’t, but I swear that I’m not as funny when I’m happy. So this post may be a bit boring, or at least not as funny as I used to be, but if you stick around and Elle posts the videos at the bottom, you can at least watch people being hit with a taser.
I’ve been attending a Citizens Police Academy at the Police Department in my city. It’s been really interesting, and helpful with one of the courses I am taking at school. Last night was especially interesting because two new rookies were going to be tased. Yes, tased! We sat in the classroom hearing all about the Tasers, how horrible they hurt, and we watched lots of videos of people being tased! Of course that only made it worse for the rookies sitting in class. Every detective, sergeant and officer was in attendance too. I mean, come on, wouldn’t you go watch the “new kid” get hit with a taser?? Every new recruit must be pepper sprayed and tasered. Unfortunately they got pepper sprayed last week so we weren’t going to be able to watch that. Although there might be a video of it on YouTube somewhere.
We went down to the lower level in the police station, and the small new guy was going to go first. This kid was maybe 5’5 and 100 lbs. I figured the electrical current would shoot him up in the air like a cartoon. He did surprisingly well. Now it was the second kid’s turn. Now this one was way bigger, somewhere over 6 feet tall, muscular and he looked like a tough guy. Well, when he got hit with the taser…….well, you should just watch the video, and make sure your sound is up. I don’t know if you can hear the hysterical laughter in the background, but every single officer that was in the building showed up to watch the show and they were laughing so hard! Yes, it probably sounds mean that they were laughing, but they’ve all had to go through this, so they know what it’s like. And when it was all done they all patted him on the back (except where he had been hit), and told him that he did great.
Do I want to be a cop? Um, HELL to the NO! I’m not tough enough, and I’m afraid if I tried, and I had to get tasered, I would be the one person in the world that wet their pants when the taser went off! Right now there is no record of anyone wetting their pants, but I really think I would, or maybe I would right before they hit me with it. Either way I don’t want to risk it.
Stay tuned, this Saturday I get to shoot a gun for the first time ever in my life……it should be interesting. I’m hoping nothing happens, but after seeing a few people that are in the class, I may have an interesting story……. Enjoy the videos below.