Tag: Dogs

National Adopt A Shelter Pet Day

National Adopt A Shelter Pet Day

Did you know that it’s National Adopt A Shelter Pet Day? My husband would probably say I’ve celebrated this particular day a little too much and too often. These are all the pets we have adopted from Lollypop Farm over the years. Not all of…

Where’s Lassie When You Need Her?

Where’s Lassie When You Need Her?

Here’s another blast from Blue Monkey Butt’s past. It’s all still true today except that we now have three dogs. Sigh, yes, three. I love my dogs, but I have to admit they embarrass me……a lot. When I imagined having dogs, they were all going…

Being Random on Tuesday is Some Kind of Law or Something

Being Random on Tuesday is Some Kind of Law or Something

If it’s Tuesday, this must be Random Tuesday Thoughts. It’s brought to you by Keelyat The Un-Mom. She really knows how to rock Tuesdays so go and check her out and tell her the Blue Monkey Butt sisters sent you.


The other night I was watching one of those 48 Hour Mystery Shows, and it was about a woman that was murdered.  The thing is, everyone they interviewed said, “Oh, she was so full of life before she died“……what else would she be?  Not to be rude, but aren’t you just pointing out the obvious?

I’ve come to realize that real people can’t look as good as celebrities, the reason is because we don’t have money to waste on diet food delivery and a personal trainer.  And our livelihood doesn’t depend on it.  It’s not like my boss will care if I sat around eating ice cream and cake.  The Paparazzi is not taking pictures of me.  So why should I bother exercising when there’s really no reason to.

Speaking of exercising, they always say that you need to do something for 30 minutes to work up a good sweat.  I’m sorry but I HATE sweating!!  I avoid sweating at all costs, it’s gross, it makes my skin break out and guess what…. it makes you smell eventually.  So no I will not do something that’ll make me sweat.  It’s not good at all!  Ew!

I’ve come to realize that I like flowers, but I don’t like to water them.  Apparently they really need  water!!


One of my pee-like-a-girl but isn’t a girl dogs has developed a new phobia. It’s not enough that he’s terrified of thunderstorms, afraid of the TV remote control and cameras. No, now he is afraid of the dark, or at least the dark outside. For the past week every time I go to take him out at night, he doesn’t want to go. Instead of fighting to be first at the back door with out other dog he is cowering in the kitchen. I have to go get him then practically push him out the door and off the patio. I’m not sure what the deal is with this new phobia, but honestly, I’m getting tired of them.

Oh, we’re having our first giveaway and it would be so awesome if you would just scroll down and enter. I’d really like to prove to my husband that my blogging isn’t a total waste of time. So help a sister out. I really love being right and proving him wrong. That’s how I roll. Just last night we were having the “I’m right” argument. We had sent out for pizza because it was like a bazillion degrees outside and I wasn’t cooking for anything. It was late and he didn’t want to take the pizza box out to the recycle bin. He wanted to put it in the hallway until the morning but said the dogs would tear it apart. I said they wouldn’t. So back and forth it went until he got sick of me arguing stuck it in the hall. I’m pretty sure it wasn’t torn to pizza box bits this morning or he would’ve woken me up before he left to tell me he was right and then left it for me to clean up.


Random Tuesday Thoughts

Random Tuesday Thoughts

   Keely at The Un-Mom started Random Tuesday Thoughts and we thought we would join in the fun. Stop by her blog and check out her randomness. Stacy- Have you noticed that most doctor’s offices have snippy receptionist’s?  They always act annoyed that you are coming…

Wordless Wednesday Faces Only A Mother Could Love

Wordless Wednesday Faces Only A Mother Could Love

        If you are participating in Wordless Wednesday please leave a comment and sign in to Mr. Linky. Also head on over to  5 Minutes for Mom for More Wordless Wednesday Fun!