What The Hell Wednesday
Wednesdays are great for Wordless and Wordful posts, but we decided to go a different route and create our own Wednesday fun. We figured what the hell. That’s how we started What The Hell Wednesday. Who are we kidding? That’s pretty much how we decide on almost everything. If you want to play along, grab our button on the sidebar, link up to us in your post and don’t forget to sign in to McLinky below. Really, what the hell?
The only problem with people knowing about your blog, is sometimes you can’t write about something that made you go WHAT THE HELL???????!!!!! I think I need to have a super secret alter ego blog where I can write about other stuff, although people probably wouldn’t read that one either. Can you tell I’m in a bad mood? I’m basically oozing bad mood right now. Tonight I was thinking about my surgery, and it made me think about all the surgeries I have had on my stomach……3 so far!! What The Hell? Thursday will count as Surgery #4!! You would think I could at least get a tummy tuck out of one of them, but no.
When I logged in to write this post we had 52 comments, 51 of them were Spam Comments. What The Hell??? Some of them were pretty funny, and I was a bit tempted to approve a couple of them. Like the one that said they had naked pictures of John Malkovich….because really, isn’t that who you would want to see naked?? That’s a WTH right there!
At least Stacy is only oozing bad mood. Because, basically, o0zing almost anything else is usually pretty gross and could require medical attention. Just sayin’
Stacy was my poster girl for not getting a hernia after hysterectomy. I’m still asking my husband to carry the laundry and I won’t carry anything heavier than our cat. To be clear, she does weigh about 15 pounds. What The Hell? I’m not getting a hernia. I’m sticking with the 3 stomach surgery limit unless it’s a tummy tuck.
Apparently, I think by staring at the computer screen I’ll come up with more WTH ideas. I need to start writing down my ideas when they come to me instead of waiting. I guess I’m getting old since I can never remember anything when I sit down to write it. What The Hell??!!
So Christmas was great…..except Santa didn’t bring me any minions! What The Hell Santa?! I clearly put minions on my list and not one appeared under my tree. I’ve been trying to get the kids to act as my minions since they are home for Christmas vacation, but they’re pretty crappy at the whole minion thing.