Daily Disney Photos

Disney Social Media Moms starts in less than one week. To say I’m excited is the understatement of the year. I have loved Walt Disney World every since our first trip in November, 1971. I was 6 years old and it was just magical. I can’t count how many times we’ve been there since. There have been so many wonderful family memories created there. Our two oldest daughters have gone through the Disney College program. One of them even went twice. Our oldest daughter met her husband during her college program and in January they had twin boys. I feel so fortunate to be able to go to the Disney Social Media Moms since Disney is such a big part of our lives. So for the next week I’m putting up a photo from our most recent trip to Walt Disney World.  I’ll put up a link if anyone wants to join in.

The Haunted Mansion is one of my favorite rides. I love all the detail that Disney puts into the outside of the ride it really helps it exude a spooky atmosphere.

Haunted Mansion Gate

Haunted Mansion Plaque

Haunted Mansion View

Haunted Mansion outside view

Madame Leota Haunted Mansion

Haunted Mansion Tower

Outside of Haunted Mansion