Is Dinner Done YET????

Let me start off by saying I love being a Mom, I really do.  But my kids drive me utterly insane sometimes!  I seriously growled at my youngest tonight.  Okay, first off I sleep maybe 3-4 hours a night, which is typically for any Mom.  I get up at 5:30 a.m. and my day starts.  Getting two boys ready for school, honestly not too hard, and I think if I had girls it would be way harder.  Boys really don’t care if they smell, if their clothes are wrinkled or if they even match.  Put a hat on and you don’t even have to comb their hair!  Then I go to work on time, closest to the time I’m supposed to be there.  I work for 6 hours and then come home to those 2 wonderful boys who have thrown their backpacks, sneakers, lunchboxes and whatever other crap they brought home that the teachers don’t want in their classroom.  The kitchen table is there, but not visible under homework piles.  The sink is usually filled with empty ice cream bowls, and whatever else they were able to inhale before I got home.  Tonight Thing 2 was starving, which is pretty normal, but still, the kid does NOT stop eating.  Granted he looks like he skips every meal, but he inhales pretty much any food in the house.  Since I got home at 3pm I saw him eat mandarin oranges, a strawberry hoodsie cup, a small bag of chips, and a bowl of Apple Jacks. 

I made a whole chicken tonight for dinner.  At 4:45pm it started, “is dinner done yet?”  “Um, no, it’s 4:45 pm honey, nobody below the age of 65 eats at 4:45 pm!”  5pm“is dinner done yeeeeet?”  “No, not yet, you just asked me that.”  5:15 pm “Mooooooooooooom, is dinner done yeeeeeeeeeet?????”  “NO it’s NOT done yet.”  “But the timer says 10 minutes!”  “Well honey, I have to keep basting the chicken so the timer on the stove is NOT the time when it will be done.”  “Well I’m staaaaaaaaarving!”  Okay, this is the kid that just ate a ton of food, including a bowl of cereal an hour before!  5:30 pm “I’m going to get my place ready at the table to eat.”  “Honey (said while grinding my teeth), dinner is NOT done yet, and it will be another half an hour or so.”  “WHAT?  I’ll starve by then.”  5:45 pm “Done yet?”  “NO, HELL NO, IT IS NOT DONE YET AND IF YOU ASK ME ONE MORE TIME I’M GOING TO LOSE IT!”  Okay, maybe I didn’t say those exact words, but I was sure thinking them!  6pm“I think you’re going to burn it, do you know how to make chicken?”  Me just smiling at him thinking that in 3 hours he’s going to bed.  6:15 pm “Dinner is done now”  “You shouldn’t make chicken, it takes too long.”  2 hours and 45 minutes until bedtime…… can’t come soon enough.