What The Hell Wednesday

Wednesdays are great for Wordless and Wordful posts, but we decided to go a different route and create our own Wednesday fun. We figured what the hell. That’s how we started What The Hell Wednesday. Who are we kidding? That’s pretty much how we decide on almost everything. If you want to play along, grab our button on the sidebar, link up to us in your post and don’t forget to sign in to the linky below. Really, what the hell?


By now you must have heard about the woman who used pepper spray at a Walmart to keep people away from the Black Friday deals she wanted. What the Hell??!! What made her think that this was a good idea in any possible way? The last time I read about it, the police were still deciding whether to charge her or not. I’d say it’s a no-brainer.

How about the guy in jail who is suing his former hostages for breach of contract? He was being chased by police, broke into the couple’s home and said “you have to hide me.” Because they agreed to hide him (maybe because their lives were being threatened? Just sayin’) he says it represents an oral agreement. They escaped the first chance they got and he got caught. So he is suing them from jail. What The Hell??!!

We are sitting here watching Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. They just arrived on the Island of Misfit toys we and we can’t agree on why the doll is a Misfit toy. J-Man decided that she must be one of those annoying talking dolls.

Even though I didn’t like dolls when I was little, I did have one doll that I played with. I don’t know what she was called, but we called her the Wet & Spit doll. If you gave her a bottle of water she would pee in her diaper. We found out that if you squeezed her stomach the water would shoot out of her mouth. It was awesome.

One year, when our oldest daughter was little, she received the most annoying doll ever invented. A Cabbage Patch doll that cried. (She used to call it a Pabbage Catch doll) The doll came with a pacifier that was supposed to help her stop crying. My daughter had fun playing with the crying doll all Christmas day. We went to bed that night, exhausted from all the fun. Sometime in the middle of the night, that damn pacifier got knocked out of the doll’s mouth and the doll started crying. Of course it wouldn’t stop on it’s own so I got out of bed and found the doll on the floor next to my daughter’s bed. I tried putting the pacifier back in her mouth but the doll wouldn’t stop. That stupid doll kept crying. I tried jamming the pacifier in it’s mouth and still it cried. What the Hell??!! It was a horrible, screaming doll from hell! That doll went back to the store the very next day.


Okay since I have to know everything, I Googled what the hell was wrong with the doll from Rudolph, this is what I found: The show revealed that Rudolph’s producer, Arthur Rankin Jr., says Dolly’s problem was psychological, caused from being abandoned by her mistress and suffering depression from feeling unloved. So apparently she just needed some Prozac to feel better. What the Hell, don’t we all?

I’m having a hard time writing this post. It’s 12:23 am and speaking of medication, I’ve already taken my sleeping pill. I’m kinda seeing double right now. What The Hell? It makes sense in my head.

This story is going to go over great with my Mum….oh boy, but it’s too funny not to share. Yesterday Thing 2 had to have a physical, something about not getting his immunizations, and if he didn’t he wouldn’t be able to attend school. So I pick him up from school, and we’re talking in the car about the appointment. Of course he is already super nervous about getting shots. So I mention that the Dr. would be doing the “cough” test. And he said, “well since I don’t have a sore throat or a cough, it shouldn’t be too bad.” Ugh….. So then I tried to explain what that was. I said, “well honey what it means is the Dr kinda grabs your coconuts (for lack of a better term), and you have to cough. He looked totally appalled. Just stared at me and said, “Why the hell would they do that? What’s wrong with them? So I say, “well look on the bright side, you’re seeing a boy doctor this time and he’s the one your Dad sees. So, technically, he’s held your Dad’s coconuts too.” Without skipping a beat or smiling he said, “Yeah Mom, that doesn’t make me feel ANY better!” Damn I thought I was funny