Cash for Gold

I have a problem with the “Cash for Gold” infomercial.  First off, is anyone that stupid that they would mail off their gold jewelry to some company they saw on t.v.?  Sure we’ll send you money, just send us your gold first.  Isn’t that the same as the Nigerian prince that wants me to cash his check and send him back all the money except for $200.00?  Sorry, not dumb enough for that one either.  And the people they have on that commercial, well, can you say LOSER?  Second, who has a “drawer full of gold”?  I mean c’mon either you are a pirate (“ahy, that’s me booty matey” or “my secret buried treasure”), or you are a criminal with a drawer full of stolen jewelry!  No real person has a drawer FULL of gold!  I’ve never met anyone that has!  I’m sorry, but if you need money badly I think you could probably find a jewelry store or pawn shop that is more reputable than some guy on t.v.

Speaking of making money, with the economy so bad, they had a report about the number of men trying to donate semen.  “Cash for Sperm” anyone?  Could you imagine that commercial?  “Do you have a gallon of sperm you’re not using?  How would you like to turn that sperm into cold, hard cash?”  Now you can!  I could go on and on.  Sorry Mom and Dad if you are reading this, but you have to admit it is kinda funny!

Also, since I’ve already gone downhill with the last one, let’s just keep going.  There was also a news report about how the brothel’s in Las Vegas have had to lower their prices because of the economy.  Wow, prices are being cut everywhere!  Maybe they take coupons now too!  Some girls will even negotiate a price depending on how much money you have.  “Well, okay, you have $50.00 in cash, a used Walmart gift card with $8.57 left on it, a coupon for a free french fry when you buy a Big Mac, and a coupon for a $1.00 off of a bag of pampers….that’ll work”  I guess the economy has affected everyone, including the gross, perverted men that go to brothels!