Can I Have This Dance & Other Randomness


If it’s Tuesday this must be Random Tuesday Thoughts. It used to be brought to you by Keely at The Un-Mom but she’s taking a hiatus. Okay, it’s been a really long hiatus but Random Tuesdays still rock on with help from Stacy.


The countdown is on. I have less then 3 weeks before we leave on our next Great American Road Trip to Disney World and even less time to get Sissy ready for her class trip to D.C.

In preparation for all that, I spent Sunday engaging in that infamous children’s torture known as “trying on last summer’s clothes to see what fits”. Despite all the moaning and groaning we managed to get through it and I discovered J-Man has like 30 summer shirts and 2 pairs of shorts. Sissy needs a little of everything.

So what did I buy when we went to the mall yesterday? More shirts and only 1 pair of shorts for J-Man. Good planning. In my defense, the shirts were on sale and I had a coupon.

Last week I had a dream that I was on Dancing with the Stars and my partner was none other than Carson Kressley. Seriously? Does that mean Carson is my dream man? Not that he doesn’t seem like a nice guy and all but you’d think in my dreams my subconscious could’ve picked a dreamier kind of guy. Then there’s the fact that I can’t dance, I’m not a star, and I’d break my ankle in those shoes!

I’m in the process of finding a new web host for our blog and I’m a little lot nervous about the whole thing. I’m imagining every single post, comment, and photo disappearing with one single click of a button. Plus, I’m not sure if I will lose all my email. I need to make the decision soon, like today. If we disappear in the next few days, we’ll be back, just maybe starting from scratch.

Don’t forget to join us for What the He’ll Wednesday tomorrow, if we are here!