Tag: Kenny Chesney

Moving, Kenny Chesney & What the Hell Wednesday

Moving, Kenny Chesney & What the Hell Wednesday

Wednesdays are great for Wordless and Wordful posts, but we decided to go a different route and create our own Wednesday fun. We figured what the hell. That’s how we started What The Hell Wednesday. Who are we kidding? That’s pretty much how we decide…

Mental Defective Monday~22

Mental Defective Monday~22

Happy Monday people!  Don’t you wish you could have a wicked awesome name like us that would get you crazy, stupid and disgusting keyword searches?  Jealous aren’t you?  Here’s the top or bottom of the list, however you want to think of it… 1. gas…

I Heart Kenny Chesney

I Heart Kenny Chesney

Kenny Concert T





I went to my first Kenny Chesney concert Tuesday night and had the best time ever. I even got my first concert t-shirt. It was such a blast and I have my husband to thank for getting the tickets. They were a Mothers Day/Birthday present (and probably Anniversary/Christmas if he thinks of it). He’s not a fan of country music and it meant a lot that he got the tickets and took me to the concert and bought me the t-shirt with the big picture of Kenny Chesney on it. I was thinking about wearing it to bed that night, but decided it would be too weird for him, sleeping next to Kenny. I’m so considerate. The show was wicked awesome and I would go to another in a heartbeat, hint hint. Maybe I could just sell all my belongings and jump in my SUV and travel around to all the Kenny Chesney concerts kinda like the people who followed around the Grateful Dead, except instead of Deadheads I could be a Friend of Kenny, or F.O.K. Maybe not, just imagine that T-shirt.

On another note, thanks to all the kind people who have stopped by here and left comments. This is all so new, I forgot I was supposed to approve the comments before they can be posted. So I had 6 comments to approve this morning. Wow ! Thanks!!!!
