Mental Defective Monday~22

Happy Monday people!  Don’t you wish you could have a wicked awesome name like us that would get you crazy, stupid and disgusting keyword searches?  Jealous aren’t you?  Here’s the top or bottom of the list, however you want to think of it…

1. gas that comes out of your I’m sorry our Mum never said that word or talked about that, so you won’t find any of that gas at this site.  It doesn’t exist here.

2. happy birthday to you monkey zoo- No, you’ve got it all wrong it’s you look like a monkey and you smell like one too.

3. Kenny Chesney butt pictures- Elle had some, but after the restraining order and her husband finding them….well let’s just say she had to get rid of them (he he he)

4. mokey butt games-we get this a lot, is there a new type of animal called a mokey??  Because I’ve never heard of one

5. dog breed monkey butt- huh?

6. There was a blue monkey staring at me- I’m thinking you must be on something to be seeing a blue monkey staring at you!

7. photos of mental monkeys-scroll down and you’ll see a few

8. nother way to say dumbass-I think you just said it

9. svingers  so surprising this came from the Ukraine. I’m picturing some Ukrainian guy who lives in his mother’s basement, drinks vodka and googles svingers all day

10. what will make me throw up-I don’t know, I know what will make me throw up…I think it’s kind of a trial and error thing.  I personally try NOT to throw up for any reason ever!

11. monkey butt i love you- Awwww! Our first stalker.

12. why do hot dogs make me sick?-Gee, I wonder…have you ever googled to see what’s actually in a hot dog….that would give you the answer!

13. CLEANING HOUSE IF LIKE PEEING IN THE OCEAN-WHAT???  Seriously WHAT??  And why are you yelling that??

14. Why would dog bite child that smelled of horses-I think the real question here is “Why does your child smell like horses?”

15. monkey in a speedo-okay, I literally spent over an hour trying to find a picture of a monkey in a speedo, I could not for the life of me find one.  So, here are some pictures I did find to help feed the need of all the monkey lovers out there…
I’m thinking that these two are probably wearing speedos right now, you just can’t see it.  I think these are the redneck monkey butts!

The picture below is the Mentally Defective Monkey!!