We're So Random

If it’s Tuesday, this must be Random Tuesday Thoughts. It’s brought to you by Keely at The Un-Mom. She really knows how to rock Tuesdays so go and check her out and tell her the Blue Monkey Butt sisters sent you!


Last night on the news there was a story about a convenience store that was robbed.  At the end the reporter gave a description of the robber: “A man wearing black sneakers, black pants, black windbreaker, and a black ski mask, if you see this man, please call police”.  Okay, really?  Do you think a day later he’s still wearing the ski mask?  Because if so, he should just have a blinking arrow pointing at him saying, “HE DID IT!”  I would say ANYONE wearing a black ski mask should be arrested, nobody wears those, not even when they’re skiing anymore!

There is a commercial that starts off with a girl saying, “Ooh I love this commercial, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday…”  If you don’t know which one, it’s for Nuvaring.  How many times have you said that, and started singing along with a birth control commercial?  I for one have not.  Although I cannot say “Hot Pocket” without singing it….See you’re doing it right now aren’t you?

 I put shorts on “B” Sunday because it was 60 and he was going to a basketball birthday party.  He said, “I’ll wear shorts as long as they are long enough to cover my knees”, me-“okay, why?”, him-“I don’t like people seeing my knees”.  I didn’t even question it…he’s weird, special, picky!

 Also on the news there was a report on Sex Offenders and how difficult it is for them to be released from prison and lead a normal life because no one wants them around.  And how they have rights, blah blah blah.  Guess what, if you go and commit a crime like that, you’ve given up all right to freedom and the right to lead a normal life.  You should NOT have any rights to ANYTHING so stop complaining!


I’ve been having some strange dreams lately and it’s probably from the Percocet but hey, I’m not complaining. I didn’t really have anything random happen during the day so at least my pain medication fueled dreams give me some random crap. In this dream I was at the beach and all of a sudden there was this creature that had a sea lion body and a person’s head. Dream me didn’t seem to find anything odd about the sea lion person at all. It seal barked at me and waddled off. Cool.

One week from today I will be having my laparoscopy. Right now I’m not nervous about it, I just want to get it over with. Of course, next Monday night I’ll probably be nervous and not sleep. I’m hoping when they get inside they can see what’s wrong, take it out and fix it. I told the doctor that she can take out my right ovary and I promised I wouldn’t be mad at her when I woke up. I just want all the pain to stop. I’m actually getting sick of taking pain meds. Never thought that would happen.

If anyone is interested, the homemade laundry detergent seems to be a success. I’ve done about 12 loads of laundry, everthing is clean and fresh smelling and J-Man hasn’t had any flare-ups of his eczema. Maybe I could start my own laundry detergent empire. I’ll call it Blue Monkey Butt Laundry Detergent and I would have a commercial where Stacy is standing in a monkey cage and the monkeys are throwing their poo at her. Then she goes home and washes her clothes in BMBLD and then the clothes come nice and clean.

Don’t forget to join us for What The Hell Wednesday tomorrow!