Random Tuesday Thoughts~Rejected by Aliens

If it’s Tuesday, this must be, Random Tuesday Thoughts. It’s brought to you by Keelyat The Un-Mom. She really knows how to rock Tuesdays so go and check her out and tell her the Blue Monkey Butt sisters sent you!


I know last week I mentioned“unfriending” people in real life like you can do on Facebook….well, I’ve also decided that I would like to “hide” certain people too.  Wouldn’t that be nice?  Push a button, hide them, and then they never have to annoy you again!

The other night while walking the dog I almost got abducted by aliens.  Well, no not really, but it was a really weird plane that looked like a UFO.  We live near an airport that the Air Force uses, and apparently we are in the fly zone.  At night, there are planes with some really weird lights.  I can see why people think there are such things as UFO’s.  Although maybe I’m wrong and I did almost get abducted….I wonder why they didn’t pick me??

Okay, I am not a“cryer” or a very emotional person.  But if for some reason I look like I’ve been crying, and you ask me what’s wrong, and I say “nothing”, just go with it and leave me alone.  My boss knew I was upset and just asked if I was okay, I told her no but I couldn’t talk about it, so she just let me know that she was there if I needed to talk.  Thank you.  Someone else kept pushing it, “oh, somethings wrong with Stacy, she says nothing is wrong, but she’s lying.”  Okay, seriously, I know this isn’t What the Hell Wednesday, but WHAT THE HELL???  I obviously don’t want to talk to you about it.

No offense, but Kate Gosselin can’t dance….like at all.  One judge said that her dancing was “weird. 

I don’t like “whistlers”, you know, people who whistle throughout the day when you’re trying to work.  Although “singers” are worse.  The people who sound like the American Idol rejects.  See, this is where my “hide” button idea would come into play.

I know people talk about “over-scheduling” children, but what about being an “Over-scheduled Parent” because of your children??  Huh?  Nobody talks about the real sufferers, it’s not the kids, it’s the Parents, or better yet the MOMS!!  I currently work 30 hours a week, I’m on the Board of Directors for Football, I manage the Concession Stand for Football, and I just became Team Mom for Baseball.  Come to think of it, this is actually the fault of my youngest son!  He is the one that plays Baseball and Football!  Good thing the other one hates sports!!  There’s not enough of me to go around.


Saturday night J-Man asked me “Is the Easter Bunny a real bunny or is it just a person in a bunny suit? Because that would be just weird.” Ya, because a giant bunny that brings candy isn’t strange at all.

Last night was my first time back to work after the whole blood clots in the lung business. It was nice to see everyone and they all were happy to see me (at least that’s what they said). I was off for about 2 weeks, but after 10 minutes it was like I was there yesterday. Why is that? It’s the same when you go on vacation and come back. So I’m jumping right back on the work wagon and I’m a little nervous how tired I’m going to be. Ever since I got sick I’ve taken a nap every single day. And I’m not talking a 20 minute cat nap, oh no, I’ve been taking like 2 to 2 1/2 hour naps and having no trouble sleeping all night long. We’ll see how I do with the whole nap free thing. SO, ya, I wrote that last night….the update for this morning is J-Man is home sick. So I worked one day then I had to call in again today because his pink-eye, that he’s been on drops for since Friday, is a horrible red-eyed mess. The school wouldn’t even let him in the door. I’m so lucky that my work is flexible and I can go in tonight instead of today.

Apparently our town has it’s very own flasher. Wow! Small town America at it’s finest. If he flashes me I swear I’ll try to get a picture for the blog. After I throw up and all.

Did you hear that Jesus Christ has his own twitter account? I don’t know about you, but I don’t really want to know when JC is stuck in traffic or shopping at Ikea. Kind of tarnishes the whole miracle thing. Unless maybe he’s twittering “Gotta find a leper and cure him today” or “Heading down to the beach to walk on water” 

Don’t forget to join us for What The Hell Wednesday tomorrow. C’mon there must have been something that made you say What the Hell in the past week. Write a post and link up!