Almost Mother’s Day Random Tuesday

It’s almost Mother’s Day and I’m not prepared. What do you get for the best mom there is? I’m still trying to figure that out. Also, sorry to everyone who thought their mom was the best.

We’ve had so much rain this spring we’re starting to grow ducks. This little lady and her husband have been waddling around our yard for the past few days. Yesterday, she parked herself on our front step for several hours. She was there when we woke up.

Duck on front steps

And she was still there a couple hours later when I left.

Duck on front steps

That feeling when you were a kid and your mom was waiting on the front step waiting for you to get home. You knew you were in big trouble.

Scrolling through Facebook yesterday I scrolled past a Macy’s ad and scrolled back up. I don’t know what you buy your mom for Mother’s Day, but it seems a little inappropriate to me. But, you do you.

Womens underwear

I got a case of the giggles reading the line ”It’s time to celebrate mom! She’s going to love this….”

I couldn’t help but think of this scene from ”Elf”

Elf looking a womens lingerie

That’s all the Mother’s Day Randomness for me. Hop on over and say hello to Stacy. She makes her own wine. Do I need to say more?

Stacy Uncorked