How's that for some Randomness?
If it’s Tuesday this must be, Random Tuesday Thoughts. It’s brought to you by Keely at The Un-Mom. She really knows how to rock Tuesdays. Go check her out and tell her the Blue Monkey Butt Sisters sent you!
Here’s a few random conversations we’ve had lately.
I was in the kitchen trying to find some papers
Me: Damn-it! I can’t find them anywhere
Sissy: A lot of kids in my school say bad words
Me: And I just said one
Sissy: Ya, that’s what reminded me
Of course it was.
Saturday morning J-man came in our room to tell us about the weird dream he’d had;
J-Man: I was dreaming that I was playing Sissy’s Club Penguin game and I was fishing. I caught a fish and when I pulled it out it was singing Bohemian Rhapsody. Then it got run over by a monster truck but it still kept singing.
Yesterday was family game day and J-Man’s choice was Apples to Apples. The last time we played it, he picked his green apple card, looked at it and said “What does “sexy” mean?” At least he didn’t get that word again. My husband really needs to wear his reading glasses when he play. He swore his word was potilucks, which sent the kids into hysterical laughter and is now the new go-to word in the BMB household.
Why is it when I finally throw away some of the millions of school papers that come home weekly, I inevitably throw away the one paper J-Man needs to bring back to school. This morning I had the joy of searching through the trash for his spelling list. I found it at the bottom of a pile of papers and it had some huge food stain on it. I took it and then wrote down the words on a clean piece of paper and added a note at the bottom explaining why the list wasn’t what she expected and then sent it back to school.
Don’t forget to join us for What The Hell Wednesday tomorrow!