Yes, I Friended my Cat on facebook

I woke up this morning to a facebook friend request from my cat. Seriously? Before you know it, he’ll have more friends on facebook than I do. Yes, I friended him and not suprisingly, he’s a little bit snarky. He’s got catitude.

It got me to thinking about the dogs having a facebook page. It wouldn’t be as snarky as the cat’s because, well let’s face it, they are just plain dumb.  Here are a few possible status updates from my dog Toby

just sniffed Shadow’s butt. Same as yesterday

stupid cat walked by, sniffed her butt

kitty litter box! Score!

guess I shouldn’t have eaten that last bite out of the kitty litter box.

hmmm..not feeling so well. I should probably bark to go out or something, but naaaa, I’ll just go by the back door. That way she’ll think I tried to go out.

Pretty much every day would go the same way. I’m pretty sure Snuffy’s updates are going to be much better. If not I can always unfriend him.