What The Hell Wednesday
Wednesdays are great for Wordless and Wordful posts, but we decided to go a different route and create our own Wednesday fun. We figured what the hell. That’s how we started What The Hell Wednesday. Who are we kidding? That’s pretty much how we decide on almost everything. If you want to play along, grab our button on the sidebar, link up to us in your post and don’t forget to sign in to the linky below. Really, what the hell?
Another night on the couch because of my “Mom Cold“. I worked all day yesterday and came home totally exhausted with hardly any voice left. So how come my husband fell asleep before 8pm and I didn’t get to sit down until 11pm? What The Hell??!! It’s like he took a nap before he went to bed. Oh, that’s right, I have a “Mom Cold” so I can’t just go to bed.
There is a commercial on TV that is ticking me off. I don’t even know what they are advertising because I have to lunge for the TV remote and push the mute button as soon as it comes on. It starts with the beep that a smoke detector makes when the batteries are low. One of our dogs is so terrified of that noise that as soon as he hears it he starts drooling, pacing and it has, on occasion, caused him to pee all over the floor. He’s a St. Bernard mix so that’s one huge puddle. What The Hell??!! I really don’t need extra stress added to my life because of a freakin’ commercial. Every time that stupid commercial comes on it’s chaos until we get the sound muted. “OMG! That stupid smoke detector low battery commercial is on! Where’s the remote? Somebody push the mute button! Quick! Just shut off the damn TV then!!!!” Ugh!
That’s it for me. I know Stacy is going to be pretty ranty because she had such a lovely day yesterday.
I seriously had a really crappy What The Hell day, and it wasn’t even Wednesday yet! As some of you know my oldest son who is 13 has had a problem with the school bus driver for 2 years now. The problem is she’s an idiot. And she is constantly kicking him off of the bus. So far this year he has been suspended from the bus for 3 days, and then 20 days. Hello? It’s only November! Anyways, I got a phone call yesterday that he would be kicked off for 3 days again for not listening, but if he gets in trouble again, he’s off for the year. So today I see that I have a voice mail, I call to check it and hear this message: “Hi this is so & so from First Student Bus Company, I’m calling to let you know that Thing One has been permanently kicked off of the bus this year. He threatened to kill another student! We even have it on video if you want to see it. The bus driver heard him say it to Thing Two.” WAIT, WHAT?? BACK THE BUS UP! WHAT THE HELL???? Did she really just say that 13 year old Thing One threatened to kill HIS OWN 11 YEAR OLD YOUNGER BROTHER??? WHAT THE FREAKING HELL??? Okay, first off, they are BROTHERS, they are 2 years apart, there is not a day that doesn’t go by without one of them yelling that they are going to kill the other one!! That’s what siblings do! Granted I had it easy when I was younger, Elle was pretty nice to me, and our older brother wasn’t too bad on me. He used to stuff socks in Elle’s mouth and hold her underwater in the swimming pool. I only had elastics shot at me.
I called the bus company and yelled my freaking head off spoke to someone about this. When she said again that they had it on video, I laughed and told her there was no doubt in my mind that he had said it, my issue was him being kicked off the bus for the year for yelling at his brother. When I told him that he was kicked off the bus and why he said, “but I wasn’t going to actually kill him Mom.” And even Thing Two said, “well it’s fair because I told him I was gonna kill him yesterday.” We all had a nice sit down talk about how they’re not allowed to mention the words kill, hurt, maim, shoot, stab, etc, etc outside of the house!! Now, to tackle First Student Bus Company, the School, and the School Board. Fun fun fun……