Random Tuesday, Brought to you by Lack of Sleep


If it’s Tuesday this must be Random Tuesday Thoughts. It used to be brought to you byKeely at The Un-Mom but she’s taking a hiatus. Okay, it’s been a really long hiatus but Random Tuesdays still rock on with help from Stacy .


I was trying to get onto my computer for the first time in a week to write my Random Thoughts, of course I could not get onto it, and had to restart the damn thing 3 times. I swear the boys download so much crap that when I finally kick them off of it, I cannot even get the thing to work!! I tried writing my RTT via my phone for the first time, but I got too aggravated with the touch screen. Apparently I kept touching it in the wrong spot.

This time of year makes me want to bake all sorts of goodies. Of course this time of year is so busy that I don’t have time to bake beautiful, yummy, creative treats! Honestly I would much rather spend hours baking than spend an hour making dinner. I hate cooking and everything that comes along with it. From planning meals, grocery shopping and then cooking…..ugh! Believe me, if I were independently wealthy I would have a personal chef. Oh and a maid to do all those dishes, that’s something I hate right up there with cooking.

I’ve decided this year that I’m not sending Christmas cards. I know, it’s rude and everything, but I don’t feel like sending a card that people are only going to eventually throw out. I never send cards for other occasions all year long, why start now for Christmas? I really don’t think anyone is going to care if I send any or not.

Going all day long with 4 or 3 hours of sleep is not really working for me. Obviously my sleeping pill is not working anymore. The lack of sleep gave it away.

Words with Friends is the best when you have to sit and wait somewhere. Seriously, it actually gives me patience. Now I don’t mind waiting at the Dr.’s office, etc. because I can play my turn.


We are doing something new here at BMB. Mondays we have been participating in Meow Monday, brought to you by the wonderful Anne from Small Town Mommyand her cat Oreo. In addition to pictures of our own cats, each week we will be featuring a cat from our local shelter, Lollypop Farm, as Pet of the Week. We are hoping to help some cats find their forever homes. If you know anyone in the greater Rochester, NY area, please let them know.

Stacy was complaining about her lack of sleep. This week I’m not going to be sleeping much at all. How else am I going to get everything done?

Tonight J-Man was complaining about school and his teacher. I told him she was just trying to help him be the best student possible. He said “It’s one thing to help me be the best student it’s another thing to force me to be the best student.

Sissy said something really funny during dinner this evening. Too bad I can’t remember what it was.

I spent the afternoon running errands and shopping with DD and finally got home at 6pm. I was verypleasantly surprised to find Sissy and my husband making dinner!!!! Yay! It was like an early Christmas present!

I bought some Christmas Hershey kisses today and Sissy was all excited to put them out in the holiday candy dish.


She is definitely her father’s daughter.

Last week J-Man was helping me with cards. After he put the card in the envelope I told him to lick the edge of the envelope because there was glue on it. He looked at me and after a moment he said “That’s disgusting!”
I had to lick all the envelopes myself.

Don’t forget to join us for What The He’ll Wednesday tomorrow.