You Have a Pet Monkey? WTH??

Wednesdays are great for Wordless and Wordful posts, but we decided to go a different route and create our own Wednesday fun. We figured what the hell. That’s how we started What The Hell Wednesday. Who are we kidding? That’s pretty much how we decide on almost everything. If you want to play along, grab our button on the sidebar, link up to us in your post and don’t forget to sign in to the linky below. Really, what the hell?


This week I’m only working half days, the construction at work has been quieter in my area, I’ve watched all the episodes of The Amazing Race and Project Runway, and I’m going to Disney World in less than 2 months. Hmmm.. I have nothing to say WTH about!

But, I still can’t get past the fact that Justin Bieber has a pet monkey. Who the hell needs a pet monkey? What I really want to know is who takes care of his monkey? You don’t think JB is changing his monkey’s diaper do you? Do you advertise for a monkey handler? Would you even want to be a monkey handler? What kind of shots do you need to be a monkey handler? I don’t think there’s a vaccination against monkey pox. I have so many unanswered questions.

Say, the monkey handler goes to a party and someone asks the monkey handler what they do for a living.

Partygoer: Hey, what’s up? What do you do for work?

JB’s Monkey Handler: I’m Justin Bieber’s monkey handler.

Partygoer: That’s what she said!! JK, what do you really do?

JB’s Monkey Handler: I’m totally serious.

Partygoer: Dude, that totally sucks.

I can’t think of that conversation going any other way.


 Last night there was nothing on but repeats or stupid reality shows.  Celebrity Diving??  What the Hell?  First off, they are using the term celebrity for people who well, aren’t.  Second, diving?    Who comes up with these ideas?  Are these the D list celebrities that Donald Trump didn’t want?

Okay, so last night we watched the movie, “Contagion” that came out in 2011.  Matt Damon, Lawrence Fishburne, Kate Winslet and a bunch of other people in it.  It’s of course it’s about a virus epidemic, but it was really realistic!  What the Hell?  After watching it, I think I developed agoraphobia, and I cannot leave the house ever again!

Yesterday I ordered my book for my first college class.  If you don’t know, after 20 years of being out of high school, I decided to go to college to get a degree, What The Hell, better late than never right?  Anyways I ordered the book, and it has the book online, and they send you a printed one!  Okay, does it make me sound really old when I talk about how “cool” the online book was??  You can read it on a Kindle, Nook, PC, Laptop, Smart Phone, etc!  And you can highlight stuff, make notes, and everything all online!  I really didn’t think I’d like the online version of it, but it’s really cool!!