Stressful Mornings and Strippers, WTH??

Wednesdays are great for Wordless and Wordful posts, but we decided to go a different route and create our own Wednesday fun. We figured what the hell. That’s how we started What The Hell Wednesday. Who are we kidding? That’s pretty much how we decide on almost everything. If you want to play along, grab our button on the sidebar, link up to us in your post and don’t forget to sign in to the linky below. Really, what the hell?


Hard to believe its only been a little over a week since we’ve been home from vacation. So much has happened that I feel like it was months ago. WTH??!! Why is that?? I just want to bask in the afterglow of a fantastic vacation not jump back right into crazy town. I call no fair.

It’s just been non-stop since we got home. Rich’s band had a gig Friday night and they didn’t go on until after 11. Well, almost 12! I’m too old for that! Then I had to be up early the next morning for work. The place was such a dive in the absolute middle of nowhere. I ended up sitting at a table with a couple people I knew from the band and then some other people showed up, friends of friends of friends, that kind of deal. Then someone mentioned that one of the women at the table was a stripper. Really? A stripper? I was a little disappointed. I guess I thought if someone was a stripper they would look more stripperish. I mentioned it to my husband on the way home.

Me:  Did you know that girl at the table was a stripper?

Him: Ya, I heard he was dating a stripper.

Me: She didn’t look like a stripper.

Him: Well she is. What did you expect?

Me: I expected she would look more stripperish

Him: Stripperish? That’s not even a word.

Me: Of course it is. It’s an adjective. Try saying “You’re looking very stripperish today” to the next woman you meet. She’ll know exactly what it means.

Him: Ya, I don’t think that’s the best idea

Me: Just sayin’

School can’t be over fast enough for me. I’m tired of stressful mornings, homework, and activities. This morning was pretty bad. J-Man was sooooo slow getting ready he missed the bus, missed the cut-off time for me driving him in and almost made me late for work. I did the only thing I could think of, I brought him with me and put him to work. Then I took an early lunch and brought him to school. Oh, and I drove Sissy too. She has finals this week and was out waiting for a bus that never came. Since I have to drive by the house I said I would pick her up and drive her too. I dropped J-Man off at school and said I had to run home and then back to work. He asked me why and I said that I actually needed to have lunch. His response was “It’s so old-fashioned to eat lunch on your lunch break.” WTH kid??

I’m off to grab some food. I’m old-fashioned like that!