Meow Monday
We have an offer on the house which means the cats won’t have to suffer the indignity of being stuck in their crates while we drive around waiting for the all clear signal. I’m sure if they knew they’d be very happy, or as happy as a cat can be.
J-Man has strep and was feeling terrible so we spent the day hanging out and watching movies. Somehow, he has never seen the “Jungle Book”. How I let that happen, I’ll never know. We watch all the Disney Movies. Today was the perfect day to watch it. Miss Rosie decided she wanted to watch it with us.
She was really watching for the first 30 minutes or so before it was time for another catnap. She’s the only one of our cats who really pays any attention to what’s on the TV. I don’t know if it’s just her personality or if it has something to do with her being deaf and being more aware of what she sees. Either way, it can be pretty funny or annoying depending on how up close and personal she gets with the show we’re watching.
Now it’s time for the Lollypop Farm Pet of the Week, Parker!
I love Parker! She has been in our office for about a month. She was very overweight when she came in and needed to lose some weight before she could be made available. She was out on the “Catkins” diet and has lost a couple of pounds. She’s very sweet and loves to be petted. She was a little shy at first but she was going through some big changes in her life. She’s settled in nicely and has us all wrapped around her paw. We take a lot of pictures of Miss Parker Posey.
Parker #17048152
Parker is a 5-year-old female domestic shorthair mix who loves to park herself on whatever you are doing. She’ll make a great personal assistant!