What The Hell~36

Wednesdays are great for Wordless and Wordful posts, but we decided to go a different route and create our own Wednesday fun. We figured what the hell. That’s how we started What The Hell Wednesday. Who are we kidding? That’s pretty much how we decide on almost everything. If you want to play along, grab our button on the sidebar, link up to us in your post and don’t forget to sign in to McLinky below. Really, what the hell?


The other day at one of my son’s baseball games I was walking over to the concession stand when I passed some little kids playing.  They were probably 5 or 6 years old.  Anyways, there was a little girl, and she picked up a big rock and threw it at a little boy’s head!!  What The Hell mean little girl??  You can’t throw rocks at people!!  The poor little boy immediately got a bump, and was bleeding!  Luckily I knew him, and brought him right to his parents.  I told his Father what had happened and he went over to talk to the little girl.  Guess what she was doing……..yep throwing rocks at more boys!!  WHAT THE HELL is wrong with you??  I guess seeing someone she hit bleeding and crying didn’t phase her.  The little boy’s Father sure phased her, when he made her bring him to her parents and tell them what she did!!

I work in a City in NH.  It’s a very nice, expensive, touristy city.  Today on my way to work I was detoured through the WHOLE city!!  What The Hell??  It wouldn’t be so bad, except for the fact that they’re working on ALL the roads in the city, not just one!!  And we’re talking, small, one way, sharp cornered streets!  I think you could probably rob a bank there, and there wouldn’t be a Police Officer available to apprehend you because they are all on traffic duty!  The only problem is you wouldn’t be able to drive away because of all the detours!!  Here’s an idea, fix one, and then go on to the next one!

Last night I took the time to do my nails.  I can only do this at night because it’s the only time the kids don’t need a drink, a snack, help with a game, etc.  I get up this morning, do a few things before work and notice my nails have already chipped!!  What The Hell?  How is it that I can’t go even 12 hours without chipping them??  I have even tried the long wearing chip resistant one’s.  Either they don’t work or my nails are rejecting the polish!


Last night when I tucked in J-Man he asked me to lie down with him for a little bit. He was quiet for a few minutes and then he said “Mommy, remember when you were in the hospital with the blood clots in your lungs? What would have happened if they couldn’t make them go away?” So I lied to him and said “It just would’ve made it a little harder for mommy to breathe.” I really, really hate having him worry about me like that. His biggest worry should be if he’s going to be able to trade Silly Bands at school today or if I’ll let him play his video games. What The Hell??!!I just need to be better so my family can go back to being normal, never mind me being normal…No comments from you Stacy about me being normal! This soooo totally sucks.

Last night we made a quick trip to JC Penney and I found not only one, but two bathing suits. Woot! I was pretty depressed after my last shopping trip. Although people are going to say “What The Hell happened to you?” since I’m pretty much covered in bruises. Very attractive let me tell you. Maybe I should’ve looked for a burka instead.

Every time I take my dogs out, I try to run to the woods as fast as we can so they go where I don’t have to pick it up. C’mon, can you blame me? If they go in the grass then I have to get the shovel and clean up after them. One of our stupid dogs is old and he doesn’t want to run to the woods, so I half run, half drag him across the yard to make it to the woods on time. The other day he didn’t quite make it, but I managed to get him to finish in the woods. As I’m standing there with the dog, my husband comes out and walks towards the pool. I know he’s going to see the pile of poop because he has some sort of super poop spotting power. I’m watching him and he stops, puts his hand out and points to the pile of poop. With his other hand he gestures as if to say “What The Hell is this?” So I yell to him “What The Hell? Did you want me to pick it up with my bare hands?” Really, how does he have the ability to find poop that has only been out there for less than a minute. If he’d been 3 minutes slower it would’ve been gone and I would’ve been spared the dramatic hand gestures.