Random Tuesday Thoughts
If it’s Tuesday this must be, Random Tuesday Thoughts. It’s brought to you by Keelyat The Un-Mom. She really knows how to rock Tuesdays so go and check her out and tell her the Blue Monkey Butt sisters sent you!
I’ve been a bad blogger. I’ve been neglecting posting and visiting/commenting on blogs. Such a pain that real life is getting in the way of my online time. That’s almost a What The Hell? but wrong day. Come back tomorrow for that.
J-Man has to read for 15 minutes each night and he started last night. I got him set up in his bed with a book and said I’ll be back in a few minutes to check on you. I tended to the laundry and put a few things away then went in to check on him. He was lying in bed and I didn’t see the book.
Me: Did you finish already?
J-Man: I didn’t know I was supposed to start
Me: What? I thought you were reading all this time. Do you want to read to me?
J-Man: No, I’m going to read in my head, but I thought you were going to sit with me while I did.
As if! So he actually thought I would sit there for 15 minutes while he read in his head. I would sit and listen to him read, but really, sit with him while he reads in his head?!
Although, I can’t give him too hard of a time. He has started telling me that I’m perfect. I’m sure it’s just a ploy to get his own way, but I’m enjoying being perfect.
I too have been slacking in my online life. Apparently I volunteer for too many things. For someone that hates people, I sure as hell don’t have a hard time volunteering to help them.
I hate cold weather, and the idea that winter will soon be here! I was so cold today I actually would of worn a Snuggie if I had one, instead I just turned my bathrobe backwards.
I have a habit of calling people by nicknames I make up. There is a guy/kid at work that I call “Skinny Jeans”. He wears them everyday, and I hate skinny jeans, plus I didn’t actually know his name at first, so I started calling him that. Funny thing is, most people at work now refer to him as “skinny jeans”! Of course he doesn’t know this, and he’s really nice, he just needs some fashion advice.
I really hate Political stuff. I know, I know I should care about it, and vote and all that junk, but guess what, I really don’t care. I am registered to vote, but wonder if I can “unregister”, because I live in NH, and here in wonderful NH they can call you ALLthe freakin’ time and harass you about voting! I’ve started just hanging up on them as soon as they say who they are. And when they come to the door I’ve started telling them I have a violent stomach bug, but would they like to come in to chat. They usually turn and run away from the house. If my kids played hockey I would put on a hockey mask, grab a chainsaw and answer the door. This is how much I love them harassing me to vote for them.
Don’t forget to join us for What The Hell Wednesday tomorrow. What The Hell are you waiting for?