House of Horror Meow Monday & Frankenstorm
Did you know today is National Cat Day? I didn’t until Anne from Small Town Mommy posted it on Facebook. I’m sure it’s not getting the attention it deserves because everyone is all worried about Frankenstorm Sandy. But hey, we’re not ones to let a little thing like Frankenstorm get in the way of cat worship. Hop on over to Small Town Mommy to see if Oreo is concerned about the storm.
A couple of years ago I made a Halloween video with the kids and towards the end we featured our cat Jingle Bells as the evil cat. She has since passed away at the age of 16 and she really wasn’t evil at all. She just plays an evil cat in videos. In celebration of Halloween and cats we’re reposting our video.
Elle & Stacy’s House of Horror
Which brings us to our Lollypop Farm Pet of the Week
Margie is the Executive type. I’ll have to say, she’s a busy cat. First, she’s got to check out what’s happening out the window. Next, she’ll see if any closets or cupboards need looking into. And then there are her naps- can’t be late for those. She can fit a little socializing into her schedule. Shall we plan on breakfast and dinner? I hope you like kibble.
Margie is a 1 year old female domestic shorthair. She was brought into Lollypop as a stray. As you can see, she’s looking for you to come meet her at our Henrietta PetSmart Adoption Center. Next weekend (November 2-4) would be great! PetSmart Charities National Adoption Weekend is then and PetSmart Charities will provide Lollypop Farm a grant for every animal adopted from our PetSmart Adoption Center that weekend. Not only will you have a super new friend, you’ll be helping to raise funds for Lollypop Farm!