What The Hell Wednesday
Wednesdays are great for Wordless and Wordful posts, but we decided to go a different route and create our own Wednesday fun. We figured what the hell. That’s how we started What The Hell Wednesday. Who are we kidding? That’s pretty much how we decide on almost everything. If you want to play along, grab our button on the the hell?sidebar, link up to us in your post and don’t forget to sign in to McLinky below. Really, what the hell?
I am a big unfriender on Facebook, I’ve said it numerous times. I get that I will be unfriended too. The thing I have a problem with is when someone unfriends you, and you have like 100 mutual friends. What The Hell? What, am I not going to notice that you unfriended me? I think that when you unfriend someone there should be a question asking why you are unfriending them. Hey, I would like a reason, some people I know exactly why, others are a mystery!
My cell phone is being annoying. It basically doesn’t work. I have to take the battery out of it constantly and restart it. I finally got sick of it not working and called Customer Service in India. The woman was nice and told me that they were aware of the problem and that it was an ongoing issue. When I asked how I could fix the ongoing issue she said there wasn’t any way to fix it. Great. She helped me reprogram my phone. When I turned it back on, the programming was all gone! What The Hell? So I call India back and get a guy named “Bob”, yeah right, and he’s reading word for word from his manual. And he keeps telling me that I must enter the numbers correctly for this to work. Duh! I am, it won’t work, and then he says, “is there anything else I can help you with today?” What The Hell?? I watch Outsourced, I know you’re not that stupid, you can actually try to help me fix my phone!!! The end result is my phone has issues and I need to buy a new one sometime. Thanks a lot Bob!
When am I going to learn that I need to write down my WTH thoughts when I have them and not wait until I sit down to write the WTH post? Really. What The Hell?????
Last week I argued with the customer service girl at the grocery store over a dime. Yup, one lousy dime. The wheat pita pockets rang up for 10 cents more and I went over to customer service to get my 10 cents back. Hey, it’s my 10 cents, not theirs. On the way there I stopped at the pita pockets to check the price. I even compared the SKU numbers and yes, they were supposed to be $2.69 not $2.79. I went to CS and told her that they rang up wrong. She called back to bakery and after what seemed like forever they told her that all of the Thomas Pita Pockets were $2.79. At this point I could’ve said “What the Hell, it’s only a dime.” Buuuuut, I have this issue with being right and I was right. So I told her “No, only the multi-grain pita pockets were $2.79, all the rest were $2.69. Do you want me to go pull the tag off the shelf? Because I will.” She gave me a disgusted look and gave me my dime back. I’m not proud of my dime fight, but I was right! Oh and the last time I was in the store, I double checked and the wheat pita pockets still have a shelf tag of $2.69.
In my job, we end up calling India a lot and at the end of each phone call, where they have been incredibly unhelpful, they ask “Is there anything else I can help you with today?” Aaarrgh!!! What The Hell?? You haven’t even helped me with my original problem! I really hate calling them.