I Survived Birthday Party-Palooza Weekend!


If it’s Tuesday this must be Random Tuesday Thoughts. It used to be brought to you by Keely at The Un-Mom but she’s taking a hiatus. Random Tuesdays still rock on with help from Stacy .


I have some random thoughts on my life, but in honor of Elle’s Birthday today I thought I would write some Random Thoughts about her.

Elle is 10 years older than me, but we’ve always been really close.


That’s all the random you’re getting from Stacy. Hmmmm..apparently she fell asleep.

So, yes, today is my birthday. There are no big celebration plans. This past weekend it was the double birthday party-palooza for the kids. Slumber party with 8 thirteen year old girls. Seriously I don’t know why they are called slumber parties because nobody ever gets any sleep. Especially the parents. Then the next day it was J-Man’s party at a local bounce place. He had a great time with his friends. I had to make him an owl cupcake cake. He doesn’t even care about owls but he saw it in a Family Fun magazine that I brought back from Disney Social Media Moms back in March. Once he saw it he was bound and determined to have the owl cupcake cake. I hate doing anything remotely crafty. I don’t scrapbook, make my own jewelry, paper mache, macrame, knit, or crochet hats from beer cans.

 I tried to get out of the owl cupcake cake but he held fast, determined to have his owl. After a night of no sleep from the slumber party, I baked his egg-free chocolate cupcakes, made frosting and sent my husband to the store for the owl supplies. Yes, I was in owl denial up until the last minute. Our Disney Daughter pitched in by crumbling the chocolate cookies and sprinkling the white chocolate around. So this is the picture of the owl cake from the magazine and this is our owl cupcake cake

I think it came out pretty good. J-Man was happy and that’s all that matters.

Don’t forget to join us for What the Hell Wednesday tomorrow.