Time to Get Random
Back to reality after a wonderfully relaxing 3 day weekend. Why can’t every weekend last 3 days? I think that should be a new rule. Someone needs to get on this pronto!
Last night I wanted to make spinach casserole and my cottage cheese was past the best by date and the fresh mushrooms weren’t looking so fresh. I went to professor Google to see what I could find out about how long cottage cheese and mushrooms are good to eat. I found the site EatByDate.com and it was really helpful. I made the spinach casserole last night, it tasted delicious as usual, and I didn’t get food poisoning. Bonus!
Sunday was Sissy’s birthday. I can’t believe she’s 15. Wherever did the time go? Here’s a picture of her when she was 7. She’s still just as adorable.
Apparently, having your picture on your mother’s blog at 15 is embarrassing. Especially when the blog is called Blue Monkey Butt. I’m not even allowed to use my Blue Monkey Butt email address on any of her school papers. I’m so glad I’m past the point where everything embarrasses me.
Sissy loves to sew and has been focused on becoming a fashion designer for several years. She has been asking and asking for a dress form for her birthday and of course, that’s what she got. Little did we know that George, one of our cats, is terrified of dress forms. He was hiding behind the couch, peeking out at the horrible demon dress form. The other cats didn’t even notice there was anything different, but Georgie was totally freaked out by the headless, armless, legless being in the living room. Poor Georgie wouldn’t even walk past it. If I wake up and the dress form has mysteriously moved next to my bed then I’ll know that Georgie was on to something.
Don’t forget to join us for What the Hell Wednesday tomorrow!
If it’s Tuesday this must be Random Tuesday Thoughts. Stop by, say hi and see what the Queen of Randomness, Stacy, is up to.