National Puppy Day Meow Monday
National Puppy Day
Since it’s Monday, you can usually find a post devoted to cats. But when it falls on National Puppy Day, all bets are off. Here my 3 pups when they were puppies. Toby is an 8-year-old lab/chow mix,. Perry is a 4-year-old shih tzu/pomeranian mix, and Miss Molly is a yorkie and is almost one. They were all such adorable puppies!
If seeing all these cute puppies all over the Internet on National Puppy Day has you thinking of adding a puppy to your family, please adopt from your local humane society. They have wonderful puppies and dogs who would make a great addition to your family. Both Toby and Molly were adopted from Lollypop Farm, our local humane society. We are so lucky to have our 3 wonderful pups!
Don’t forget the cats! Here is our Lollypop Farm Pet of the Week.
Neko is a handsome 5-year-old male domestic shorthair mix. He’s got some beautiful orange and brown stripes. He was adopted from Lollypop Farm as a kitten and is back again to find a new home. Come meet him and see what a great guy he is!