Mental Defective Monday 13

It’s Monday so that must mean it’s time for some more Mental Defectives. Once again, here are some of the Google searches that bring people to our little site. We have to admit, it’s a little scary reading what creepy things people search for.

1. No offense, but you are not my type: None taken, we’re not that into you either.

2. butt torture: I think you probably now need to refer to #13, please see below..

3. monkey butt birthday cake: Do you really want a birthday cake shaped like a monkey’s butt?

4. different ways to write monkey: primate, simian, feces throwing freak

5. monkey’s infected butt: okay, that’s really disgusting. I really don’t want to know how it got infected.

6. do blue monkeys have to find food and their young?: I would think so, it’s not like the monkey’s have groceries delivered to them, or have a nanny in the wild!

7. IUD implanted in monkey: Okay, who the hell would implant an IUD in a monkey?  Do you get hazard pay for that?

8. mentally defective porn: isn’t that all porn? 

9. I peed in my lei jeans:At least you didn’t pee in your Calvin Kleins

10. gluteus maximus monkeys: Finally an educated way to search for big butted monkeys!!

11. swinger angry: Yes, we found out the hard way that you don’t want to make a swinger angry, so don’t make fun of their nasty, crazy, lifestyle.  You have been warned

12. daughter “doesn’t wear underwear”-First off, how do you know that, and second, there is something called “over sharing”, that’s what you just did there. 

13. medical term for something stuck in your butt-I bet the “medical term” used by doctors or nurse’s when somebody comes in to the ER with that problem sounds like this, “Hey Bob, you gotta see what some dumbass got stuck in his butt!  Holy Crap Tina, that is just weird, and sick, what’s wrong with people?”